Apr 22, 2011 17:48
[This video opens, once again, to a Flandre. A slightly panicky Flandre. The reason for her panic? Not anything that looks immediately dangerous, no sword lurking over her head, nothing like that. She was still...disturbed by the events of last week, but that is less important at the present moment.
Because the vampire is covered all over with very tiny bunnies and this is a Problem.
...they resemble white puffballs with ears and beady red eyes and what one would assume are equally tiny paws. Very fearsome. And "all over" meaning "somewhere around three or four" but they have decided that vampires make good perches--or are otherwise hopping about from her head to her shoulders to the table she was slouched over. It's hard to get a headcount of the things.
Granted, they are demonic! But they seem to like her.
She just doesn't want to squish them, okay. Even by accident. They are still very small.]
Cube, Cube, there's little rabbits.
[Even her voice sounds more than a bit concerned.]
They weren't there before!
[There is also a...twig, on the table almost out of view, if the bunnies hadn't completely stolen the viewer's attention. It almost looks like an ordinary stick, though black and shiny like cast iron--the same material her wings seem to be made out of. The bunnies seem to be either ignoring it or staying away from it; those sensitive to auras may detect something faintly ominous coming from it, even all the way through the transmission.
It occassionally glows cherry-red, as if heated in a fire--but doesn't singe or scorch the table when it does.
Yes, Flandre is using her magical kenning-sword as a space heater, what of it?]
practical application of superpowers,
what do,
damage twig