Dec 17, 2007 13:19
Well... as of this past Thursday I am done with my on campus schooling career at Johnson. I only have 2 correspondence classes to do and I walk in May. It seems a little unreal to me that something that has consumed my life for 4 1/2 years is over. I mean, really. I don't work on campus anymore, don't take classes, don't live there anymore. It hasn't quite hit me what this means. I feel kind of liberated but also trapped. Now I have to decide what to do. For now, I'm staying home and taking time off. I don't know how long this will last before I drive myself and Jeremy crazy since he works from home.
For now I'm being the "professional homemaker" (ha ha). I HATE cleaning house and cooking all the time... but now, I don't know if it's so bad. Now I know that I am the one not busy and that Jeremy is the one making money so I don't feel too bad doing what I can do to keep this place neat and playing the reminder secretary.
Also, I'm hoping before too long to be able to launch a craft blog/ shop online. I have the right husband for the job... I just need to make it happen. So, we'll see what the future holds.
For this week I'm cleaning, sewing all our Christmas gifts (seriously I can't believe I decided to do it), and watching Seinfeld and the Disney Channel... not necessarily in that order. I feel like life is good and at least I can keep myself busy for a week or two.