Nov 28, 2004 19:48
How many people go to your school? a lot
How many staff are there at your school? a lot
How many years has your school been around? couldn`t say
How many kids at your school are pot heads/do drugs?(Percentage) like. 60%. lmao its all good.
Are you a pot head? nah
How many kids at your school are pregnant? haha idk
Are you one of these kids? .. no.
Is there a:
cafetria? yeas
student council? yeah
chess club? probably
netball team? ..whats that lmao
smoke pit? the bathroom. in the math hall!
no cellphones allowed rule? i really dont know
day care? what lmfao
bike rack? yep
chirstian club? idk
computer lab? yeah
tvs? mhm
PA systems? yeah
Do you like your school? suprisingly. i like the people. not actually the school itself.
What's your mascot? an Eagle.