Mar 08, 2006 21:51
....hmmmm its been a while me thinks!been a rather busy past few weeks with lots more still to come....
....hope all is going well with u guys!!....
....really don't no what i've been upto but here goes:
...saw KANYE WEST with robert way back & he was amazing live would defo see him again!!he played oldies songs in between his songs how exciting :) robert enjoyed where our seats where a little too much a think hee hee!!had such a great fun filled night & we made friends with stirling people & 2 girls in the magners que!!!...then the next night i saw KELLY CLARKSON with heather,gordon & william again an amazing concert,she sounds so good live such a pretty voice!!she was in robert's work the next day recording new material & he got her autograph for me,what a lovely brother eh?...
...started going to the gym with heather & running as well so came to the conclusion to do the 10k in i got pursuaded into that i'll never know but i say bring it on!!...
...have seen the not so well william,apologies again for making u laugh too much,just can't help it hee hee...
...yearbook is slowly but surely getting there,did the polls the other week but the winners are safe & secret with me & lyndsey!!...
...and last but not least we've started rehersals for our 6th year show,pretty hectic schedule follows in order to get it all done & have the show amazing(which im sure it will be) but its been good fun so far!!that reminds me i really should be getting back to writing those links hmmmm...
....oh claudia turned 18 the other week so there was a party for her in the social area...first one to turn into a grown up out of everyone-i liked that day,party was great!!!....
....we went to linda's on monday to make pancakes on our free period-this is cause none of us did on shrove tuesday,yum yum is all im gonna say & strawberries are the best :)....
....oh 2 more holes have been added to the social area collection....
....right i'm bumming off to bed-sorry jabbered on too long