Dec 04, 2008 11:07
I am using my last two full days of vacation this week. I have a four day week. YAY!!!! I have 45 min left. I don't know how I managed that??? i will leave work 45 min early one day.
So this morning I played on the internet and moved some stuff around in the kitchen. I did that a lot when we first moved in the house and I was home by myself. :)...The new microwave was driving me nuts where it was. I moved it to the counter.
Then I got ready and went to run at the community center. Boy that was a hard run today. My knees were hurting. I got my run in at least.
I don't have much planned on my days off except pick up the house and do laundry. Not sure where the days go when you are off. A lot faster than at work. Even if it is laying on your butt watching lifetime.
The InBev buyout has already started to make me mad. My good friend ellidew told me that the Christmas events at Grants Farm were cancelled. I was planning to have a family evening there with the niece and nephew. POOEY!!! I had never been to the Christmas events at Grants Farm. GRR!!!!
Tonight we mad white chicken chili in the crockpot. I smells and looks wonderful. I can't wait. Today I am going to make pasta for lunch. I am hunry so I am going to get started on that.