for boxxme melove; this is also yours! because i believe first loves can happen twice; with yunho & yoochun in your case + eunhyuk & you in mine :)♥hugs
sorry i have to tell you over here that my lappie crashed and i can't see you online tonight (because i know you never check email) i miss you so mightymuch already; like junsu misses meanie's bullying minnie's snark ;-; wah i very xin tong leh cannot talk to you DD; ++ it might even last longer than a week. ohmyunheart! i'm having mel-withdrawal-syndrome noww! nooooo~~~ i swear i'll do everything i can to earn money and buy a new harddisk to fix my laptop (YAY FOR WORK AT TIMES LIKE THESE) oh and check your email too okie? lobelobe you to infinity&beyond :)♥smiles
ps: you don't know this but you saved my life layout. (blows dbskisses in your face) &BIGHUGS;
AHH BB<3<3 i gotta spot~~ so even if my stupid internet crashed ytd i din hafta pee in me pants abt not gettin a spot for chun's bdae fic TT.TT
ADFJKLDF CHUN'S BDAE FIC AND I LEFT 40 MINS TO READ AND SPAZZ OVER IT TT.TT RAWRR i can't wait to read it!! and i am super super anticipating it alr wif ye words:
because i believe first loves can happen twice; with yunho & yoochun in your case omg bb TT.TT only you can make me cry over a COMMENT WDHHH TT.TT a;dkjf you dun know how many times i love and fall in love with my beloved yunchun even tho yunnie's a bit harder to love -.-ll HAHA and of cors OF CORS jaesumin as well~^^ but we're talkin bout first loves here aren't we?
+ eunhyuk & you in mine asdf;kjdf BBBBBBBB TT.TT i may have loved dbsk on my own BUT YOU MAKE ME FALL HEAD OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVERR HEELS IN LOVE WITH THE SO so MUCH MORE <3<3<3 i wouldn't have loved ot5 as ot5 if it weren't fer daily spammings and and no matter how much you sae i influenced the chun and ot5 in you but bb, its mutual even if i sprouted chun
( ... )
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ THE FICS MELTS ME!!! *O* OH, AND--- HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY MARVELOUS BDAY YOOCHUNNIE AND MAY YOU, BE THE GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS BOY KILLS MORE PEOPLE WITH YOUR SLEAZE~~ AND YOU HAVE VERY PRETTY LIPS. sorry for the capslock abused, I'm sucha phail!chunatic *_____________________________________________________*
CHUNSLEAZE?? you must mean something like that recent chunSNEEZE in bigeast? LOLsy oh chun! AND HO YEAH; he has them really pretty lips >3<
nahh don't worry about the capslock C: i'm basically a failnatic and chun happens to fall under that category of spuzz muahah! so there's no other way to describe him without abusing a generous dash of capslock (i'm trying my best to refrain now XD)
Comments 43
sorry i have to tell you over here that my lappie crashed and i can't see you online tonight (because i know you never check email) i miss you so mightymuch already; like junsu misses meanie's bullying minnie's snark ;-; wah i very xin tong leh cannot talk to you DD; ++ it might even last longer than a week. ohmyunheart! i'm having mel-withdrawal-syndrome noww! nooooo~~~ i swear i'll do everything i can to earn money and buy a new harddisk to fix my laptop (YAY FOR WORK AT TIMES LIKE THESE) oh and check your email too okie? lobelobe you to infinity&beyond :)♥smiles
ps: you don't know this but you saved my life layout. (blows dbskisses in your face) &BIGHUGS;
ADFJKLDF CHUN'S BDAE FIC AND I LEFT 40 MINS TO READ AND SPAZZ OVER IT TT.TT RAWRR i can't wait to read it!! and i am super super anticipating it alr wif ye words:
because i believe first loves can happen twice; with yunho & yoochun in your case
omg bb TT.TT only you can make me cry over a COMMENT WDHHH TT.TT a;dkjf you dun know how many times i love and fall in love with my beloved yunchun even tho yunnie's a bit harder to love -.-ll HAHA and of cors OF CORS jaesumin as well~^^ but we're talkin bout first loves here aren't we?
+ eunhyuk & you in mine
asdf;kjdf BBBBBBBB TT.TT i may have loved dbsk on my own BUT YOU MAKE ME FALL HEAD OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVERR HEELS IN LOVE WITH THE SO so MUCH MORE <3<3<3 i wouldn't have loved ot5 as ot5 if it weren't fer daily spammings and and no matter how much you sae i influenced the chun and ot5 in you but bb, its mutual even if i sprouted chun ( ... )
thank you bb. drips love on you too ;33
OH, AND---
sorry for the capslock abused, I'm sucha phail!chunatic
nahh don't worry about the capslock C: i'm basically a failnatic and chun happens to fall under that category of spuzz muahah! so there's no other way to describe him without abusing a generous dash of capslock (i'm trying my best to refrain now XD)
thankyouforeading! :DD♥
*sadfaces for ur hiatus*
but... this is sooooo beautifullllllllll
cant even quote
thank you so much for thinking so! ahh; it makes me at ease~~
you're very welcome bb :)♥hugs
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