Character: Himura Rikuou
Series: Legal Drug
@ RemedyAge: 17
Canon: Rikuou is Kudou Kazahaya’s partner. And while Kazahaya would waste a great deal of time on effort attempting to convince you that it’s not that way, Rikou would probably shrug off your reaction, whatever it might be, without confirming or denying a thing.
When he’s not around Kazahaya, Rikuou is a fairly normal teenaged boy (apart from his innate psychic ability to break pretty much anything.) He’s smart, self-confident, easily amused, and fairly empathetic and insightful for his age.
All this is still true of a Rikuou who’s with Kazahaya, it’s just hidden under copious pigtail pulling.
Rikuou is also employed at the Green Drug store. He and Kazahaya are errand boys by day, and supernatural errand boys by night. Their bossman, Kakei, is something of an enigma himself. For purposes of this application, all you need to know is that he can look into the future.
Thank you for the… um… shotgun and swimming trunks, but I won’t be staying. I’m just here to collect my kid sister and bring her home. Mommy and Daddy have been worried sick.
I don’t suppose anyone’s seen her? She’s about yea high, sort of cute in a dumb blonde way, and a little on the flat side (But you didn’t hear it from me. And I think she prefers the term ‘late bloomer.’)
She’s probably calling herself Kudou Kazahaya, so-- Look, I’m sure she’s had some of you fooled. But trust me, there’s nothing but girly bits down there. Isn’t that right, Kaza-chan?
Seriously, Kudou. I think our boss is actually worried about you. Its kind of freaky, watching him in full on flipped out ‘parent at the zoo with a kid stuck in the monkey cage’ mode. Too bad that’s not really the problem.
The trouble is that Kakei’s visions have become somewhat unreliable when it comes to you. As in every time he tries to ‘see’ you he ends up wandering around bumping into walls, muttering about ‘the void… the sound of a thousand wings flapping in tandem…’ Stuff like that. It’s very weird.
There aren’t actually any toucans here, are there?
…It’s probably just coincidence.
and the vote went thus and OMG I couldn't comment because my college network has a 'freefloating IP' ergo I am not real when not logged in!)