Tuesday that feels like Monday

Feb 19, 2008 17:28

Okay I know this shiz is clogging up everyones friends page....... sorry.

Alright so I was on Amazon.com and i saw the Breaking Dawn book up (4th in Twilight series) I scrolled down to see the excerpt (was none), and saw the forum, were one was a post of the complete cast for the Cullen family. I clicked it open then the link inside. Im not impressed with the casting. I really dont like their Jasper. At all. They could have done better on all of them. So anyways i click from Stephenie Meyers website and interview that was done with the Kristen (kriesten?) Stewart. In the interview it she says that Edward throws her over his back and jumps on tree tops and then reveals that he's a vampire. Ahhhhhh......? WTF!?!? ugh. That blows.

so apparently its spirit week at school? I never saw any signs and it wasnt on announcements, but whatev.

I saw this weekend Jumper. Hayden Christensen looked hot, as per usual. Jamie Bell was amazing, as per usual. The movie was pretty cool, im usually not into that sci-fi kinda deal, but it was good.

Oh and sorry this reads strang. Im tiered.

twilight movie fucked up.....some more.

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