Dec 18, 2004 11:10
Okay so yesterday was a pretty eventful day. First off, I didn't goto sleep the night before for some reason. I just couldn't sleep. So I goto school and I goto 1st hour early as hell which is odd of me. So everyone was surprised, then I goto 2nd hour and pass out. Get called out by my guidance counselor and my teachers like.. you don't look so well, and all the kids were agreeing, they were like.. yeah he looks kind of pale and blahzeh blahzeh... so yeah. Then after I went to see my guidance counselor, I just walk around and I run into Tomas. A friend of mine from last year but there has been so much shit going on with him during the summer. But yeah.. he was there and after the bell rang for 1st lunch we were looking for someone then we were like fuck it, then we left and went to see Sylvia. We see her and then we goto McDonalds and I go back to school. I see Heather and Natalie in the parking lot and they were smoking the half blunt that they had saved for me. lolz. But yeah, after we finished smoking Heather went back to school and me and Natalie left. It was drizzling and I didn't have any sweater on. So yeah, that was a horrible walk. Then when school was out fucking Heather wouldn't come over unless we met her halfway. So we did but I got so mother fucking wet. lol. It was horrible. But then we went back I had my senior shorts on under my jeans and I walked around in those. So then we smoked and then we chilled. Heather left with Avery. Me and Natalie were waiting till like 8 so we could goto some party and we did. My mom gave us a ride after we finished smoking a blunt to ourselves. lol. So yup... we get there and the party doesn't start till like 9. Some girl kept trying to make it apparent that she liked me. But I just ignored her advances because I'm gay. lol. People are kind of weird. So we chill at this party and these people from school show up and they were really boring me. So when Melissa came with her boyfriend. Natalie, Melissa, Nick, and I all went to the "store". Which we were at for an hour. So I get back to the party and I'm fucking stoned. I eat all the food I can and then they cut the cake. I was so happy. lolz. So Melissa and Nick decide to leave and they leave... then at like.. 12:45 I call my brother and tell him to meet us at McDonalds. We get to McDonalds and I'm falling asleep waiting for him. So we decide to walk to the gas station and call from the pay phone. As we were doing that.. he drove by and saw us so then he came back and picked us up. I fell asleep and we drove all the way to my friends house all the fucking way in pompano. We get there and all I remember, was seeing Frankie (not my brother), Alex, and some white boy... them rolling up some blunts and then we goto the car and they're all siting on each other and then next time I wake up my mom is siting in the driver seat of my brothers car and shes telling me to go inside to goto sleep. I was like.. uhm, WTF happend!?!?! lolz. Smoking is bad children!!