i'm bored

May 31, 2006 23:00

So the summer so far has been quite the scene. Everyday I go to work in Scarborough, come home and watch episode after episode of Futurama (thank you HMV for your glorious sale). but... It's come to a point now where i've actually accepted this routine as my way of living. But these wondrous days are coming to and end as I have only two more episodes of futurama left out of the two box sets i bought about three weeks ago (there are four discs to each set, with about 5-6 episodes left). Honestly... when i realized this... i started to panic, thinking "what am i going to watch next" .... then it hit me. My life is the complete OPPOSITE of everything i wanted to be this summer. Well maybe not as extreme as George Costanza's dilemma, but still.. i'm slacking.... I've been making up excuses for not doing the things i should be doing and working hard at ... for example...
- I can't play my guitar because it's at gil's house! (and apparently stinking up the place)
- there's no work to be done at TDBRF so I CAN play mighty mighty mahjong and read up on the entire ENRON situation on the CBC.com website
- i don't have any money so i can't buy my cello (this one is legit.... for the time being... i may blow the money on clothes who knows)
- I don't have time to volunteer... because i'm watching futurama and spending lots of time in markham
- i don't go out because i have no friends downtown

but... these excuses can only be excuses for so long.. I think this slack month was good for me. Everyone needs one here and there but it ends here. I can only do this for so long... if i keep this up i'll be washing myself with a rag on a stick by the time august rolls around.
you know it's getting bad when i'm bored enough to post a BLOG.


P.S - Futurama kicks ass.. you should watch it
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