okay i know i should get my ass in gear and put some picutres up but i suck and my ass likes to be outta gear. but maggie sent me some photos from the work leaving party things so here. take that! wahaha
Party 02
i know this is massive but i don't know how to make it smaller. so..to bad.these are the people i work with. they're fucked up. except nick's not there. but he's still fucked up :) i guess though really he's more quirky. :) shit i just noticed that i'm like the shortest person in that picture..
Sexual Innuendo
this is me and maggie. she was like my rock. we don't take very good pictures together and we were constantly on a quest to get a half decent one. i think we made it to a quarter decent on this one but..ah well :) that's all sadly cuz all the other ones she sent me were just variations on the first one except one with me and smily but i got a massive chin thing going on so uh uh noooo way. i'll put some of mine up soon.
EDIT:okay so john helped me fix everything yay. and also here's another one cuz my chin looks less bad when the whole picture isn't huge.
this is me and matt, or smily as i like to call him. the kid never stops smiling no matter what. which is good i guess if you like being happy....:)