Nov 16, 2007 13:47

So I'm watching "TOP GUN" this morning and when it gets to the scene where "Maverick" kisses "Charlie" at the top of the hill after the briefing....THE SCENE IS DELETED!!!! Not to mention the bedroom scene was COMPLETELY cut.... One of the greatest on screen kisses of all time, and it's fucken deleted. What the hell!? I was denied at the net and I don't like it.

So after the shock of it, I sit back and try to enjoy the rest of the movie. Well...it didn't happen. I was pissed. Not because of the lack of PORN...no, it's not that simple. But because the entire heart of the movie was taken away. BULLSHIT KUWAIT CENSORS!!!

So I sit down and watch the movie "Deep Blue" about an hour later and I hear "motherfucker, asshole, and son of a bitch" more times than I can count, but I can't see a simple kiss in a classic movie like TOP GUN? It was after watching Deep Blue that I knew Kuwait is fucked up. How do you censor a nice little tongue fight in TOP GUN, but not the word "motherfucker?"

By the way, I now have a Kuwaiti friend that is about 30 years old and that person told me that Kuwaiti's that censor movies and television make about 300KD and they can decide what to censor as they see fit. HOLY SHIT, what a joke!! How can a government operate properly when a bunch of lazy college kids are censoring only for money, are left to decide what is moral? What a joke.

My friend told me that the censors talk on cell phones and often have the volume on the movie turned down when they are dishing out their version of morality to the Kuwaiti people. They will see a KISS and censor it, but the word MOTHERFUCKER can make it into the movie........because they are on their phone talking to their girlfriends or boyfriends. TYPICAL.

My friend also told me that these dumb ass censors will censor the word WINE from a cooking show and replace it with the word JUICE. HOLY FUCK, are they paranoid or what.

Just in case you don't know. Alcohol and sex are very very popular in Kuwait, and a bunch of self absorbed ignorant religious people can't change that. Modern day society is here and it can't be stopped.

Your Kuwait censorship is a god damned joke. If you don't stand up and let your voice be heard, you are getting what you deserve. Yes, I'm also talking to you fart cracker.

I understand your country more than you think.

Fart Cracker, you need to get out to see the world! Stop taking everyone elses opinion and making it your own...GET TO THE U.S.A and see for yourself what FREEDOM really is. Your silly ass British School in Kuwait is not a voice for the United States.

Your religious fantasy is a testament to your warped and brainwashed world. God is Santa Claus for adults. No matter which religion you've been brainwashed by.

Come visit the USA and I'll take you to see an American movie that is rated R with no censors. I will take you to an adult book store to let you buy some sex toys, and then you can go home and use them. I'll help you find a cute american guy that you can make out with in public.....you can even hold his hand in public, without worrying about being beheaded. Then I'll take you to the beach to let you wear a skimpy little bikini in PUBLIC......and you'll get the feeling of what it's like to have a guy look at your boobs. No woman should go her whole life and not know what it's like to be a sex object of random men.

Basically, I will show you what it's like to live in FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fact that you think Kuwait is free...tells me just how free you are not.
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