Boredom Sets In

Apr 27, 2007 16:52

OK, so I was completely bored last night while I was waiting for Lost to start so I decided to read my diary from last year.

On May 19, I came across something that really cracked me up:

... Read a few more Area 52 stories... The best one I read was very long. Jack was in love with Daniel and he left SG1 because of it then started dating Sam. Daniel took off into the universe all on his own because he loved Jack and couldn't stand to see him with Sam who never got anywhere with him anyway. He finally left a note for Jack who went to him on a planet he described as Minnesota and they made love for the first time. Considering the subject matter it was quite beautiful....

The story I was on about is called 'AWOL' by Lady Grey.

I found this entry funny because that was my first taste of slash fiction and I must have been so innocent or something back then considering what a Slash Junkie I am now and it is not even a year later.

My current slash obsessions include:

U2 (every pairing you can think of)
Supernatural (Sam/Dean and yes I know they are brothers)
Stargate (Jack/Daniel)
NCIS (Gibbs/Tony)
Savage Garden (Darren/Daniel)
Harry Potter (Harry/Draco)

All of the above are NC-17 stories only because they are the best ones. What I read is not all porn though. I do read Het fics too like Doctor Who (10/Rose), but slash rules my world right now.

Here are some of my favorite places to find the slashy goodness:

U2 - u2slash, U2 Fan Fiction, The Echosphere

Savage Garden - savageslash

Supernatural - Sam Dean Archive

Harry Potter - The Hex Files

Stargate SG1 - Area 52

There is more but I can't remember them right now. I will have to look them up later along with their best fics.

random slash, u2 slash

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