Oct 20, 2008 14:56
Watched The Incredible Hulk today. Actually, that's inaccurate: I watched the first 45 minutes of The Incredible Hulk. I got so bored that I actually turned it off. I didn't even stick around to see RDJ, guys! I dunno, there were a few cool moments (some cool cameos, a cute play on "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry", cross-referencing to other Marvel productions, woo), but I just couldn't get into it. I think this, more than any comic book movie I'm seen, was directed squarely at the comic book fans: they dropped us into the middle of the story and expected the audience to know way too much already. I love it anytime movies/TV shows/whatever reward loyal fans with some in-references, but if you overdo it, a good chunk of the audiences is left in the dark. Eh. Maybe I'll give it another shot when I can get it for free again.
Also, there's no way (right now, at least) to film the actual Hulk without it looking anything but completely ridiculous.
Ah, well.