Lame name number games with time zones and trains. Or, it's my Birthday again.

Nov 18, 2010 22:02

Ah, Forty-Five...
  • the sum of all the digits in base ten. (0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 45)
  • the number for the Messier Object the Pleiades which in Japanese is 'Subaru', my favoured and current marque of car.
  • the sixth positive integer with a prime factorization of the form p2q, where p and q are prime. Six being the number of Subaru's that I've now privately owned.
  • the atomic number of Rhodium, used in the catalytic converter in my Subaru.
  • the name of an Elvis Costello song.
  • and now, the number of years I've been alive.
So a lot of people have asked me, "Why 'Tzup'?". Well, did you know that on this day in 1883, Union Pacific, and other railways, decided to adopt a system of standardized Time Zones across North America?

Time Zone,Union Pacific. ie. T.Z.U.P. :) Simple!

To anyone going to Midwest FurFest, please come say hello and claim your hug!

And of course to my fellow birthday bro's; twiztidwolf, artyskox, farraptor and you too Mickey Mouse, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!