Please ensure your seatbelt is fastened, your seat back is upright and your traytable is stowed...

Nov 16, 2008 22:30

Well after seeing everyone posting their data, I thought I might as well have a go at it as well. Of course what started out as me just being curious as to how much I actually flew this year, ended up as some OCD driven all encompassing fetish which has already consumed some ludicrous amount of time, further compounded by the fact that I don't actually have all that many flight records with me in the States anyway, so I will no doubt have to re-enter everything in more detail once I get back to Australia. Anyway this is what I have managed to enter so far...

Current summary data can be seen at .

So what have I learned? Apparently I've spent about 0.26% of my LIFE airborne and flown far enough to have made a return trip to the moon. Now if I could just work out the relativistic effects to see if I've gained or lost time. ;)

And just as a final note, my shortest flight, the one from Hualien to Taipei, I couldn't stow my traytable - it was broken... :P