I've come to realize, if I don't post b/c I think I have too much to cover, I shall never post again. So, things of interest shall be very very abbreviated:
1) Israel...was amazing. The people were amazing, the project was amazing, the adorable little beating EBs under the microscope and the pretty rainbow graphs they generated were amazing, the British accents were amazing, the incessant quoting of QI and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was amazing, my roomies (Caz-England, Jill-Philly, Haya-Israel) were amazing, just being in Israel again was amazing...Yeah...pretty amazing. If you want me to rant about it, I shall, but I'm sure I shall uninvited anyway in conversation, so there you go.
2) NEW TERRY PRATCHETT BOOK OMG (This almost drove me to post, but it wasn't enough). I shall quote it.
3) Is it just me, or is junior year a LOT of work? Maybe six academics was not a smart move.
4) I'm so psyched for India.
5) JONATHAN CREEK IS LOVE!!!!!!! (see icon)
6) Demm it all, another youtube obsession of mine: Never Mind the Buzzcocks (because Simon Amstell is adorable...and Jewish...actually, Jewishly adorable)
7) I'm so glad ballet and Hebrew High have started again. My life is routine once again.
8) I have two counterpoint articles due on Wednesday. How did I get in two sections?
9) To Ruby-you're right, the 400s are a lot better, and go a lot faster. I love Christiana.
10) Am I missing anything? Ah well. Wait a sec, I NEVER BLOGGED ABOUT STARDUST. Suffice to say it was made of awesome. Charlie Cox ftw.
11) And the reason that drove me to continuing the blog. STEPHEN FRY HAS A BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From Making Money:
"You Have An Appointment Now WIth Lord Vetinari" said the golem.
"I'm sure I don't"
"There Are TWo Guards Outside Who Are Sure You Do, Mr. Lipwig" Gladys rumbled.
Oh, Moist though. One of those appointments.
From NMTB:
Simon: Hello there and welcome to Never Mind the Buzzcocks. [Reading from a paper] "Officially the funniest show on TV right now. Simon Amstell is a competent and witty host, taking the viewer on a whirlwind journey of hilarious pop based comedy. Five stars"....No one's written that...
Simon: [To Amy] It's lovely to have you here. Part of the BBC's new remit: More Jews, less carbon emissions.
Simon: Didn't you used to do a fashion column for the Daily Mail?
Penny: Funnily enough, I did. I've done many strange things in my time.
Simon: What does one wear to a lynching?
[Discussing strategies to stay young] Bill: The marrowbone from goats, that's good as well, isn't it. Simon: Have you... Barrowman: Have I sucked marrowbone from a goat? No. Phill: But I bet you could.
Simon: Kurt Cobain is now the top earning dead celebrity. So not Bruce Forsyth. If you're watching that on a repeat...and he is dead...that is inaccurate.
Sorry so many of those. Don't actually have to look through a book for them.