If you didn't get to see the Bomer & DeKay goof-a-thon yesterday, the whole thing is
viewable here. It's not one of those moderated things where the questions come from a chatroom, so it's not cringe-inducing; they have stacks of cards printed up with questions on them that have been culled (by folks on the show) from the thousands that were submitted over the website for the past two weeks. Tim has all the questions for Matt, and vice versa, though there are a few that are for both of them.
Warning: EXTREME SILLINESS. They clearly adore one another (as evinced by several answers, as well as how they play off of one another), and are quite, quite handsy. *g* I'd give you a few tidbits, but really, it's worth going in entirely unaware of what's to come.
Oh - the first two minutes are just a camera pointing at a card that says "White Collar" on it, with very muffled talk in the background. They're obviously setting up, and if you turn your speakers all the way up, you can hear Matt & Tim chatting while prepping.