Like Theives in the Ni... er... Middle of the Day

Mar 11, 2011 07:23

For those of you who have not caught it on Facebook, The Taciturn Ranger and I were robbed yesterday. The perpetrators smashed in the sliding glass door on the back porch, when straight down to the basement eschewing hundreds of dollars of booze and everything else on the main floor, and made off with The Ranger's beloved 52" TV, his iPad, his XBox 360 and my dinosaur of a laptop. The laptop would be least of the losses except that it contained all my notes for my old Conan game and a good many of the notes for the game I am currently runny. The theives went out the basement door and left i wide open. Evidently they did't care for the Wii because they left that.

The kitties and humans were unharmed and the thieves did not vandalize the place. The Ranger and I were both concerned that they may have slashed the wedding portrait but it is unharmed. Mostly we are just thoroughly pissed off. The TV from the bedroom is being used downstairs and the Taciturn Mom and Not So Taciturn Bob came down with a big piece of plywood which is currently covering the back door.

The Ranger is staying home today to try to get something more permanent done for the back door but I am not going to be happy until it is replaced completely. I'm looking at French doors with a center pole and lockable floor bolts. This is something we planned from the moment we put a bid on the house but it was low on the priority list. Guess it should have been higher.

Now I really don't know what to read/listen to. Whatever it is, it will be utter fluff. Or maybe I will listen to Tim Curry read Journey to the Center of the Earth.
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