(no subject)

Apr 15, 2009 10:27

It was Dave and Sam and the big fight last night. After several weeks of being a litter box user Sam started crapping in the floor daily. Since Saturday, it's been twice a day. Last night I caught him in the act, snatched him up but the scruff of the neck, and dumped him in the litter box. Dunno if he got the message but it made me feel better and there was no cat shit in the floor this morning.

Black women with cell phones keep trying to kill me. This really doesn't have anything to do with them being black or women. Mostly, it's their phones. I've barely avoided three highway speed wrecks in the past four-days -- each time the other driver was a black woman gabbing away on the phone as she crossed over lanes, ran a light, or whatever.

The Harvard Crimson ran a story about a University of Texas professor who at a Take Back the Night rally described porn as "what the end of the world looks like." The guy researches production and consumption of pornography by males. I have to wonder why he's never looked at all the crime data and research that shows access to porn and prostitutes reduces violent crime overall and crime against women in particular. But, hey, why should he spare one woman a brutal rape at the cost of paying another woman to voluntarily participate in a sex act that makes him squeamish, right? Some people need a good slap.

Enough of my whining. Please return to your day.

linky goodness, cats, wtf, mi vida

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