i've been browsing through old journal entries and i thought that this would be a great oppurtunity to do a COMPARISON QUIIIZZZZZ. aka, i took a quiz from a post in mid september, and i will leave my old answers in and write my new ones in bold so i can see how i've changed.
i like this idea.
1. Cheated on someone?: nay / still no
2. Fallen off the bed?: several times, in the same night / i remember that!
3. Broken someone's heart?: no / nope
4. Had your heart broken?: once or twice / three times
5. Had a dream come true?: a few minor ones / well, i got into york (which i didn't end up going to) graduated high school with really great marks and have a clear future. allllright.
6. Done something you regret?: YES / i don't actually regret it anymore because i learned stuff about myself and made relationships stronger
1. Wearing?: my york university t shirt / my new black suzy cher t shirt
2. Like anyone?: andreiii / darryl ahah.
3. Have any piercings?: ears / still ears, but one extra on my right ear
4. Drive?: g2, holla / haven't been in an accident yet
5. Ever Smoked?: yes / not since the fair
6. Tattoos?: nay / still nay
1. Hugged?: dave? / jeb
2. Kissed?: i don't like this question / mommm
3. IMed?: t-rev / alex
4. Talked to on the phone: lyssa / i don't know his name but he was calling for jim cole
5. Yelled at?: sam / mom, she was eating her ice cream in andrei's drive way! there was nobody home!
1. What do you want to be when you finish school? creative advertising executive / radio broadcaster / cbc public relationship liason / a good mom / be a producer / artistic director / radio broadcaster / cbc public relations liason / a good mom / a surfer
2. What has been the best day of your life? tlac olympics reunion. that was SUCH a fun day / thinking back that probably was the best day of my life. i woke up in a good mood went to melis' and had fun until i fell into bed in a deep and satisfying sleep!
3. What comes first in your life?: friends / friends
4. What are you most scared of?: not getting into york, failing classes, loosing my job, basically just my future getting wrecked. / dieing alone
5. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? i try to think about white because it makes me fall asleep / clears my mind / harry potter / boys
6. Did you lose someone you really loved?: no / well, i loved aunt marg but we weren't really close, which was sad.
7. Love your family?: yes, majority of the time. ahah / yes, but they still drive me CRAZY
1. Movie: breakfast club / breakfast club
2. Song: bowl of oranges, brighteyes / sundress, ben kweller
3. Ice Cream Flavor: pralines and creme / pralines and creme!
4. Fruit: green apple / raspberries
5. Candy: popeye sticks / skittles
6. Day of the Week: thursday / thursday rules
7. Color: orange / orange
1. Like to give hugs?: yes / yes
2. Like to walk in the rain?: yes / only if i have a rain coat
3. Prefer black or blue pens?: blue / black
4. Like to travel?: love / love
5. Sleep on your side?: 1/3 side 2/3 stomache / ahahah, yep
6. Have a goldfish?: no, my cat would eat it / no, light and dark would eat it.. or play with it
7. Ever have the falling dream?: yes / many a time
8. Have stuffed animals?: many / several, they are retired though, somewhere in the basement
1. Pierced nose or tongue?: nose / nose
2. MTV or BET?: BET!!!!!! / mtv canada.. amazing
3. 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?: dawson's creek / dawsons' creek will always be amazing
4. Sugar or salt?: sugar / sugar
6. Chocolate or flowers?: flowers / chocolate
7. Color or Black-and-white photos?: black and white / colour
8. M&Ms or skittles?: skittles / skittles
9. Stay up late or sleep in?: sleep in / sleep in
10. Hot or cold?: cold / cold
11. Ketchup or mustard?: ketchup / ketchup
12. Spring or Fall?: Fall / fall sweater season
13. Happy or sad?: happy, duh / happy
14. Wonder or amazement?: wonder / i still don't understand this question
15. Mexican or italian food?: italian! zats a good a meat a ball! / ahahaha, i'm hilarious!
16. O.C. or Laguna Beach?: OC 4 life / LAGUNA BEACH ahhh.
so, nothing exciting happend yesterday here.
but when i got home zoe mom and i went to dq - it was really good, except i looked terrible and everybody i have ever known was there. i clearly am exagerating, but lately i've just been seeing so many people i know! i love pretending i'm popular. ahah.
today has been as equally as quiet / boring. i finished harry potter and the half blood prince in sight of deathly hallows coming out on saturday ...... YESSSS. plus i don't work sunday.. so it's become a reading day!!
i called staples too last night and they told me that since one of the girls had put in her notice i was going to be promoted to cash! thank heavens! working cash is so much easier / less boring, except i have to answer to d, which wont be fun. i work monday 12 - 9, wed 4 -9 and thursday 12 - 9. which is pretty solid.
and i got paid today. apparently i got a raise! amazingggg.
mom is on holidays so we will probably go to ikea on tuesday (HORRRRRAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY) or atleast i will attempt to coax her into taking me.
i wont get paid from recapture for a few weeks because i had so many hours with them i legally had to go onto their payroll so they had to put in all this information etc. yet i get a lot of tax deductions or something / extra money because i'll be a full time university student in september and my $ output is less than my $ income. strange strange.
speaking of univeristy, bishop's is still fighting this strike it's been going on since jun 28th! crazy! if the APBU doesn't comply to the conditions before midnight tonight there's going to be a huge staff lock out start sunday at midnight. that means everythings going to be delayed / cancelled. i don't know how well this fares for the declining enrollments / ME. but i do love how i move in on september the 1st... just like harry potter. ahah. i'm sorry. i am in harry potter world right now. look at the picture of my res / main building! HOGWARTS I TELL YOU!
i should get my class package / res info next week, maybe even today.. here's hoping!
i'll probably update again later, when i have more to report.
harry potter... harry potter... harry potter...
ps. as of midnight tonight i wont be online at all until i finish the book, i want to be completely unspoiled. i want to learn about it for myself, rather than getting onto msn and reading for example "SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE!" just like with half blood prince. see you all very soon.. or rather later than soon. apparently it's 700 pages.