secretary day 1

Jul 18, 2007 09:40

being a secretary is pretty boring i must say. especially when you have to get up @ 6 and then you're sooo tired for the rest of the day.
but i guess it's better than being at home watching the matrix with sam. ahahah.

last night i was so tired that i went to bed at 9:15! like, fell asleep at 9:15! it was crazy!
then i woke up at 2, couldn't fall back to sleep, so i drugged myself. ahah. it turned out well.
a whole 9 hours. amazing.

yesterday i had two interesting calls.

caller 1: hello, do you make custom pots and pans? 
me: um, we deal with more industrial metals, like indium, and gallium for the use in mobile and wireless products.
caller 1: oh. (hang up)

caller 2: yes, hello, i've been trying to get ahold of my husband but he's not answering his phone, could you page him?
(2 minutes later)
me: oh, i'm sorry he's not picking up. can I take a message?
caller 2: yes, could you tell him that his wife called and that i'm in labour?
me: oh... sure!

it was so cute. the floor manager jim (who is an interesting character) found him for me and brought him out and i said, "your wife called, she's in labour! congradulations!" the guy was so excited.. but he'd just started on monday so he felt really shifty about leaving mid day. it was really cute. he got all flustered and smiley and ran out. and called his sister and started rambling about how 'yesterday she was 1cm and today she's 4, once she gets an idea in her head'... it was actually adorable.

then we had cake for one of the guy's in the office birthday.

actually, looking back it was a pretty eventful day. and i learned about bocce? i didn't even know that such a game exsisted.

today, i have already completed my secretary duties for the day. aka labelling and filing about 50 files i organized yesterday, and signed everything that i needed to, and faxed everything that i needed too and it's only 10! jeeeze. i'm here until 5! what else am i supposed to do? the phones are quiet too.
i might make myself some more green tea. they have so much of it here. i would really prefere cold green tea, like arizona (lust! lust!) but alas. only really hot tea.
the water cooler has a hot water option except it has a childlock thing on it, so they can't burn themselves, and i really can't get it to work. i had to get dad to do it for me. ahah.

this would be hellll if dad wasn't here. atleast he comes out to talk to me everyonce and awhile, and the boss, larry, who is an odd character (his wife and he have matching hummers!!!) is in the office directly to my left, so he knows my every move. aka i can't read or he'll get mad, dad says. i brought harry potter and the half blood prince to fill some time, but alas. larry.

but, i did bring a delicious array of berries to peck at through-out the day. mmmm. raspberries are my all time favorite. and i have a really nice salad for lunch, with tomatoe and pepers and cheese! good thing my shirt is long, i just dropped a raspberry on my light pants! hahaha.

tonight is jeb's birthday party! i'm quite excited.
i don't know whether it's at rachel's or at jeb's, but shannon knows so she can direct my as such. ahah. car rides are always hilarious fun when i bring along my road trip cds.

last night, after dinner and before my rediculously early bed time, i cleaned my room. i hate it when it's dirty. i did all the laundry, dusted, everything! i arranged all my clothes into the good-bad-ugly piles, and then put them away accordingly. moral of the story is, i have no clothing. ahah.

i really need to make a yorkdale trip.
hopefully i don't work too much next week and my mom and i can go.
she's on vacation now, it's werid to have her home, but nice. not that we've really hung out or anything because i'd be at work when she'd be home, etc etc.

i just realized i am alone in the office again. where does everybody go?!

i love signing for packages, even if they are just ink. ahah.

harry potter comes out in 3 days! THREEEE. i am so excited. i'm picking it up after work on saturday... damn. work is KILLING me.

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