Что не хватает

Apr 14, 2006 19:53

I like my Burswood. After a shift of eight hours in duration, i shall receive ever so slightly more than Centrelink gives me a week. There are four possible days per week within which i can work, and looking at my roster, i have work in all those places. Each shift is normally around seven hours. This shall bode well for my budget.

On Wednesday, we decided to go to the tavern (I started a tradition of every Friday), as Friday (today) is a public holiday. There we drank around about a jug to ourselves. Not bad. After uni, Donna, Andrew, Eloise, Tim and i went back to Andrew's house and bought a carton on the way. I had about about nine bottles there. On the way from Andrew's to Donna's, Donna and i made out in the car... (lesbian and gay man?!), then Eloise and i, and then everyone eventually ended up making out. Once back at Donna's, we bought another carton, and i hit the vodka, straight (as i got intensely sad about something along the way). I polished off three quaters of a bottle before deciding to take my shirt off and pass out for a minute, after which i layed in Donna's bed and was helped by Haylie and Andrew to cure my hiccups.
Dear god... i had approximately twenty three standard drinks. I'm rather impressed with myself, however i shall endeavour not to get that drunk again, or if i do... do it just on vodka. On the bright side, everyone was impressed at how much i can drink. I find it ironique now that i am drinking water from a vodka bottle *shrugs*.

I spent all of today doing nothing. I was tempted to eat chocolate quite badly... but managed to hold myself back *pats self on back*. I didn't do anything with anyone today as i only woke up in the early afternoon, and i have work tomorrow morning... so i'm bored.

Now i must go feed the hounds.

J'aime bien vivant seul ces jours ci, mais la solitude me cause un peu de douleur des temps en temps. J'ai juste découvré que quelqu'un avec qui j'ai déposé un matin aux sourirs et boniments amusants, aime-moi et veut faire l'amour ensemble. Ça se passe toujours qu'il y a beaucoup de pression sensuelle à moi, et une fois quand ils découvrent que je n'aime pas eux même, ils ne s'interessent plus à moi. Le fait que ça se passe toujours me fait vouloir ne faire plus l'amour avec n'importe qui, au contraire devenir avoir l'air absolument séduisant tellement que les hommes me désirent beaucoup... mais si ils veulent emenner moi chez ils, tant pis.

Poid- 72.2
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