inala So out member-ai master is already 27! Let we hope him to have a good birthday and maybe we get some NEWS this year :(
But anyway, my 27 reasons to love Koyama is here. I hope you like it! 8D And I'm sorry that this is so KoyaShige biased, but you can't be without them! XDD;
1.He is mother-creature in NEWS.
2.He is also the oldest member of NEWS.
3.He is best friends with Shige.
4.He is master of member-ai.
5.He joined to Johnny's on January 21, 2001.
6.He graduated from Meiji University in 2007, which actually means that he's smart.
7.He works as weekly newscaster in 'news every' called variety show.
8.Shige told in Myojo May (2011) that once Johnny were told them to try some intruments and they had a fight of who doesn't need to play keyboards. Shige told that to be their most ridicilous fight (XDD)
9.He is studying Korean and his solo 'Uri Sarang' has parts in Korean.
10.He is HUGE camwhore. (and there is A LOT of evidence of it)
11.His blog is named as 'Member-ai'. And there he usually talks about 'member-ai's between other NEWS. (mostly about him being with Shige, though...)
12.He can imidate his grandmother after she has sneezed (oh, Koyama & his talents)
13.He was MC for Shounen Club until recently with Nakamaru from KAT-TUN.
14.He often travels with Shige, sometimes somewhere in Japan, sometimes they go aboard.
15.He has had duets with Shige & Yamapi. Mostly with Shige.
16.In shounen Club, Koyama told us his loves with 3 pics. Two of them were about Shige and one was Goseki from A.B.C-Z (and Maru were like 'it's not Shige!' XDD)
17.He has a cat called 'Nyata' and he was a stary cat, until his sister brang him home.
18.During DIAMOND TOUR 2008-2009, News had xmas party, where Koyama picked Massu's present, which was full of socks! (and he gave skulls ones to Tegoshi, because Tegoshi loves skulls)
19.During DIAMOND LIVE-DVD's encore, he made whole audience to shout 'Shige' when they were singing NEWS NIPPON.
20.Fortune telling book, which Shige read once told him a bit disgusting thing (which Koyama told to all via his diary). It's that his soul mate on his birthday (July 11th) was born in May 1st, which means that Shige & Koyama are destined! (and Koyama also mentioned that he has won Massu because of this! 'Shige is mine!' 8D … stupid Koyama.)
21.Last year, Koyama said that he got best birthday suprise. His best friend, Shige. (And Shige said after his own birthday that he expected that Koyama would give him a birthday suprise as he gave him one.)
22.He loves sweets, so if you want to go to cake buffet on your date, Koyama is right choice!
23.In the DIAMOND LIVE-tour cut, which came with Koi no ABO-single, has part where Koyama tries to be all cool and Shige says that he looks like a demon. (How nice best friend our Koyamama has XD)
24.His bloodtype is O.
25.When NEWS couldn't be in Countdown because their activies were cancelled for that year, Koyama and Shige were in the dressing room in theri casual clothes & watching everyone from the TV as the others of NEWS were in Countdown.
26.He wants to be perfect boyfriend.
27.He thinks that looking cute is acceptable, but if you started to date recently, you better keep your doing of make-up so that you're not doing it in front of him.
all gifs by me :'3