Jul 06, 2013 22:37
Talking about Harry Potter a few posts back made me think about how much fun it was back when everyone was reading those books. At least for a time, I really loved being able to go on that journey and to spend time in that world. So, I bought the first book on Kindle. Interestingly enough, the reason I got that first Kindle was so I could have the Harry Potter series in a format that wasn't going to eat all of my shelf space. I started reading and well...
I want to go on the Harry Potter journey, but within the one chapter we're into fat-shaming and some of the things that irked me about the series from the very first. Anyone who doesn't adore Harry is a horrible person who is painted as physically unattractive as well, and people who like Harry are awesome... but not as awesome as Harry. I just don't even... grrrr...
Still, there was something magical that I'd like to experience again, just without all the awkward stuff. So, I'm kind of rewriting the story... only with different characters so everyone can have a little more depth, and some raised stakes in the wizarding world and remember all the serious stuff that just never really panned out? Well, either it's not going to be included at all... or we are GOING THERE. Look, we need at least one house elf character or the story doesn't move along and if we have one, then we probably have to deal with all of them. If the big bad is going to create a fascist state where people are dragged off and never seen again, then we have to go there. We can't have happy party time when all our friends are dead and all of our lives are in constant danger.
I've also never been happy with the idea that the big bad is bad just for the evillulz. I mean, seriously? Who does that. Who sets himself up as the ruler of all and then gets his ass handed to him by a baby? Why even try to kill a baby? Wouldn't he have minions for that?
And since this is me, there will probably be snark. It's been known to occur.
So, that's how I am filling my spare time. A bunch of kids, none of whom are named Harry Potter, go to wizard school, tangle with the most evil wizard ever, learn how to be competent and self-reliant, and save the world, possibly by changing things for the good for everyone. I might even be able to weasel the happy, hopeful smiling ending out of it as well, only it won't be everyone trotting off with the OTP as if nothing ever happened, because traumatic war where friends and family members die horrible? Pffft there's not PTSD in wizard land. God, I hate that epilogue at the end. HATEHATEHATEHATE
So, admit it, you know you want to spend the summer reading a near unrecognizable Harry Potter Fanfic...