Dear Harry Potter Fandom

Aug 05, 2007 03:05

Being asked by LJ not to post potential child porn - fictional characters or not - does not constitute oppression, nor does it equate to Nazi-like levels of evil, nor does Live Journal belong to you, the user, but rather to Six Apart, the company that purchased it. As a Harry Potter fan, I am asking you to shut the hell up. Jesus.

For reference: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven (particularly hilarious), Eight (particularly WTF?) there are dozens more.

LJ isn't banning all fandoms and fan-fics, just the ones that involve only smut with under-age (by US laws governing pornography, which, by the way, is 18-years of age, the same as in the UK and Canada ... age of consent isn't the same as the age at which you can be a porn star) characters, fictional or no. Please, please, please just calm down. You're making yourselves look like fools.

Some of you, like S, are very talented writers who write fan-fic in very brilliant and imaginative ways. Stunning pieces of short fiction, in fact. Most of you, however, are Mary Sues and pornographers with no redeeming literary at all. Just. Stop.

And the next person that changes that "First they came for the ... And then they came for the Jews..." poem thing to anything related to fandom is going to get my foot up their ass.