Aug 05, 2008 19:20
So much has been going on - The snake last weekend, the storm blowing part of my roof off only to find the rotting wood under the damage - so I need a new roof and no money for one, I was picking up limbs from the yard and I saw my swamp lilies not sure what they are really called but that is what I call them anyway I looked to see why they were laying crushed on the ground and I saw what looked like a snake flopping around, but snakes don't flop it was an armadila I called my grandmother and told her to send Grandaddy with his gun and he and my dad showed up and my daddy was like why shoot it - I was like just shoot the damn thing and talk later - he then asked me were my 410 was and I told him in the house he asked why I did not just shoot it and I told him I'm the one who is antiguns remember so shoot the damn thing and we can talk later. So he shot the armadila and hid the gun in the grass I was like chicken shit does not want anyone to know he shoot the gun then my backyard neirbor came out and I waved and he waved back - I know he was wondering why 3 men were standing looking at a hole. hummmm sounds like the start of some strange twisted gay porn. My grandmother is going to try and help me scrap up the money to repair my roof - I'm thinking about having lucky charms for supper, but really don't want to go to the store - maybe I will just have a PB&J sandwich - I'm rambling so later