Aug 18, 2003 02:22
i want to see that freddy vs. jason movie....damn me for spending all my money on useless shit! well not useless but i know do not have enough money to see that movie! Me and nicole are becoming very impatient for this damn holes movie to come out! the other night nicole called me and we watch Conan while talking on the phone and that shia labeouf guy from the movie was on and we realized that that movie is taking fooooooooorrrrrrever to come out on video/dvd!
Yeah and School Sucks a big Elephant nut! i hate waking up early! tonight i couldn't sleep again so i decided to just pull an all nighter instead of only getting a few hours of sleep! but school blows and i hate all my teachers except Mrs.Rose-johnson and i hated her last year i guess failing her class then re-taking it made her nice or something....i ran and got a overhead lightbulb for her and she said that i didn't have to do the homework and that i automatically get my points for that day! So um ya she is now my favorite teacher for this year!
TV really does suck at 2:30 in the morning! :-/ just infomorecials and shit....well im going to go watch some more in hopes it will be morning soon and cartoons will come on..peace pickles