Nice ending to a long day

May 03, 2005 23:08

Yesterday was a nice 12 hour day pulling cable and installing a conduit run. Today ended up being just a 10 hour day and afterwards I was able to go to my culinary interview with Christina while Kristen watched the kids for us...THANK YOU SO MUCH both of you for supporting me today with looking into culinary school. The school seemed pretty nice and the atmosphere was professional but comfortable, the instructors were particularly nice. I got a packet of info and will need to return for a reading comprehension admissions exam. The 15 month program runs 3 nights a week and I would also have to work an internship averaging 9 hours a week, but I don't think that would be until the second or third quarter of the program. The total would be a little over a grand a week, 17k for the 15 months plus equipment, uniforms, and books. The next session starts May 16th followed by September, not much time to get ready if I choose the May class but it just might be what I need right now. I'll have to check into the coverage of the GI bill and if the CG TA covers any of the costs. I'm pretty excited and heading to bed on a good note.

On a not so good note: Christina's Great Grandmother passed away at the age of 102, she just turned 102 a few weeks ago. It's really going to be hard on her grandmother who has been in declining health herself and may have Lou Gehrigs disease which the doctors have said will give her a year to five to live. I'm not a big prayer anymore but if any of you do, we'd appreciate your thoughts. Hopefully plans are set soon to get out and visit Oregon so Christinas Grams can see the girls, I know they're real pains sometimes but I don't think they realize how mean and hurtful they've been...I think Christina's realizing more and more that sometimes it's pretty rewarding to be the bigger person even if you leave yourself open to be hurt. There's a chance that going out to Oregon with Christina's Mom and Grandparents will turn out with some sort of stupid drama that ends up making Christina feel like crap...It'll be worth it in a few years when they're not around and you at least gave them the chance and don't feel guilty about not. I know Christina's talked recently about heading out there with the kids and I'm proud of her for even wanting to make that step because she has been through a lot of mental abuse growing up and even after we were married, she really should be proud of the person she is and the beautiful children she has mothered, if people knew where she came from they would be amazed, even more than they already are with having the twins and Ty to take care of daily.

Yeah, it's been a good night and I'm exhausted.
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