In your own space, post self-recs for at least three fanworks that you created.
There's so much to choose from! (jk--I am not prolific). A lot of what I've done so far involves secondary characters in the Supernatural verse--whenever the story leaves them behind, some part of me wants to see more about their lives, and fic ensues. In terms of rec'ing my own stuff, I guess I'd like to show off the ones that completed that task most satisfactorily. The fics that I'm proudest of are the ones that the characters sort of took over--the stories that were just there, waiting for me.
The first of these is
Never Have to Go to War No More. This is the aftermath of SPN Season 10's "Dark Dynasty" from Charlie's point of view, up to and including an interaction with the Winchesters. I always felt like, in spite of the lovely montage that the show gave her in the next episode, Charlie deserved more--a better send-off, so this is my attempt to provide that.
Second might be
Slivers, a first person POV about Ramiel and my head-canon version of what his relationship with Azazel might have been like. I'm not sure exactly where this one came from, but it was almost too much fun to write from his perspective. (This was written between s. 12 and s. 13, and the show went a different way with another little piece of speculation that I used in here, but I'd like to think it still works.).
The last one I'd like to rec is
Sparks Dancing in the Darkness, which is a sort of expansion of s. 11's finale. This one is a bit of a departure for me, with a more formal tone and emphasis on description, but I loved writing it. In fact, this one has gotten me thinking--it might be fun to use this idea as a sort of comment meme! What do you think--who did I miss? Would anyone like to add a paragraph or two in the comments?