Hunger Games

Apr 16, 2012 11:10

No, I don't have spoilers.

I went to see "The Hunger Games" with a co-worker and his friend last night. The film was quite good, though it does have a bit of an "attack of the shakycam" thing going on. We wound up moving to the back of the theatre and it was better.

I don't know about cinematographers these days. Whatever happened to a nice, steady view of the action? An awful lot of the movie appeared to be "slightly shaky extreme closeup as if filming from 300 yards away with a telescope" and "telescopic views that rapidly swing from point to point as if scoping out the area from a hidden vantage using binoculars" styles, if you can *call* those styles. It did settle down, and I think the movie adaptation was *very* good.

I'd recommend reading the book first, though. The acting was pretty spot-on, especially Effie. The movie does change some things around, but as the book was written from a first-person perspective (and therefore we were able to "read" the protagonist's thoughts and memories), the movie had to give us the necessary background information another way. I think they did a really good job, overall. Now if they'd just fire the cinematographer...

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