paranoid. apparently we are going to run out of oil very quickly in the next few years and return to a medieval mode of existence. this is the best news i have heard all day.
We'll stop being alienated from the world. The total society brought about by capitalism, consumerism and authoritarianism will become impossible. Anarchism will be a real possibility - if we are prepared.
Hmm, surely the point of this new society will be to avoid anarchism? With everything becoming localised there will be no central power to o'erthrow, and you will have no mission in life - is that what you really want?
Not really - anarchy is about society ruling itself at the lowest possible level (eg, on an individidual one), and governemnt hampers this. The chaos post-oil means means land, property is ripe for the picking. We just need to be prepared so that we can take the land and form an anarchistic society. in, lack of rulers. Pah! Where is your etymology girl?
If we have enough anarchists working on the land, then people will join our utopia as labourers! Woo! Then we need more land, so obviously we go and say, either join us or we will guillotine you (erm...). A big stick would be a goodness.
but if everyone is taking land we may fight each other, and lots of us might die, which would be bad.
(note to self: start looking for a really BIG stick)
If we have enough anarchists working on the land, then people will join our utopia as labourers! Woo! Then we need more land, so obviously we go and say, either join us or we will guillotine you (erm...). A big stick would be a goodness.
(no that doesn't mean what you initially thought of)
how do I put icons in posts? I want to join iconnazis...
Or what about a cervisiarchy? Should suit us!
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