
Jun 19, 2009 11:22

I just don't know anymore. i've managed to work through a few things, and then more shit happens and it turns into a shit pile again.

got one fuckhead from rk who keeps trying to convince me i'm a republican... can't believe how stupid he is. just young and stupid. don't care how much of a genious he claims to be, you can't be liberal and progressive and still be a republican.

got more fights happening in rk then i can even track anymore.

nearly outa cash again, mostly cause my father can't do maintenance on his van ever. so when things break, its major, in stead of small things.

bailed on friends this weekend already.
just too much stress and too depressed.

trying to open up, still not sure i can.
person's bailin in rk mostly.
which as usual will mean, not gona talk to me mostly.
too much stress, no future?
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