Apr 27, 2006 17:59
Well, I finished my paper...two days before it was due actually. I really love the way I've been writing papers here! I start doing the research weeks in advance, make nice outlines of my notes, write the paper over the course of afew days, and then get it done days in advance!
I haven't been so productive since I finished with the paper sunday afternoon.
I bought a copy of Bridget Jones's Diary...which only took me two days to finish. I may not be thirtysomething, but I could relate to alot of Bridget's paranoias, ranting, etc... i.e. a wonderful description of a fat day "I feel ashamed at repulsive. I can actually feel the fat spluring out of my body. Never mind. Sometimes you have to sink to a nadir of toxic fat envelopment inorder to emerge, phoenix-like, from the chemical wasteland as a purged and beautiful Michelle Pfeiffer figure."
While walking home from the charity shop with my new book (er.. new to me as it was techically "used," but I prefer to move on from its pasted experiances with abuse (being "used") and refuse to stigmatize it with such labels) a very embarrishing.. perhaps even Bridget Jones-y thing happened to me.
I was getting cash from the bank of Scotland ATM on Nicolson Street (read: major street) and right as i was reaching for my cash a big gust of wind rushed around me and blew up...blowing up both my jacket and skirt( which both normally fall below my knees). I pulled it down as quickly as I could, but the fact remains that quite a few individuals now know what colour pants(underwear) I wear...specifically the line of people waiting to use the machine after me...great...
Tuesday evening I went to The Stand to see the Penny Dreadfuls improv "ShamWagon." It was, of course, wonderful and I can't wait to see ththem next month! The skit they did for my skit suggestion "Fuck my shoes! They don't have soles!" (based on a comment Tumi made about her crocs) was terrific! They broke into song...in a soul music style..how clever...We stayed after a bit hoping to speak to the guys and the bearded one, Tom, how I have a comedy crush on sat near me... but we didnt get to speak to them as Katie was being impacent to leave...Grr Katie!She can just a jerk sometimes towards me....
Anyway, yesterday I met up with Nina for coffee...and we ended up staying there for three hours just talking about all sorts of things (including Shahrukh Khan constantly being wet...and yet his hair remains poofy!). it was really nice. Later that night I went to the pub quiz at Southsider where we came in last place... but on the bright side it was lots of fun and we got a bag of maltesers (British equivilent of whoopers) as a pity prize!
Today I tried to look in a few tourist shops for gifts for friends...but I couldn't do it! They're just so...! Damn Scottish Ethnology and my paper on inventing heritage! I can't even walk past the shops with out analyzing the different ways scotland is represented through kitch....
tourist shops,
penny dreadfuls,
pub quiz