Jul 28, 2004 10:34
This summer has been an absolute blast, a blast and a half. The road to excess leads to a palace of fabulousness! ;)
heh. My party was a success. All together around 100 people showed up to the party. We went through like 10 half gallons of rum and 80 idaho beers in like 4 hours. Good times though. My house felt more like an afterhours then a house party. I sho did have a good time, and now I have the reputation of throwing good parties my house is on the map for the next one I throw which will be bigger and better than the previous one. Jesus alot of people sure were puking on my lawn and in my bathroom though. I'm just thankful it wasn't on the floors.
I left convergys and am working IHOP full time. I'm going to be getting a part time job here soon, to help supplement my income and mix things up. My friend Erin from IHOP her boyfriend I believe could get me a job serving @ some mexican restaurant that seems to be hopping a couple of days a week. I'm going to call her.
I had some friends over monday night, a little going away for my friend Christopher who was in town from San Diego. It was absolute dear to see him, I love him, and we will always be the bestest of friends. It was alot of fun other than the fact that I was a bit apprehensive of having peeps over at my house being drunk, smoking gonj, on a monday night with my roomate rob rearing to go to bed. It caused drama
(begin rant)
Jared has been getting to me lately, the resentment had been building. A combination of his smarthy attitutde, mixed in with not returning my phone calls nor text messages, and when coming over last night hardly saying hi, asking for a drink, and stealing my seat really just bugged me. The final straw was when I was getting a head count for the bar, he turns to me and says "James, you know none of us are going to the bar, if you go it'll just be you and Cara, no one else."
I respond of course with "Oh really? And you speak for everyone, do you?"
"Well yes, everyone said they don't want to go. We've all decided to stay here."
"Are you on crack?"
"No james, that's what everyone says about you, why do you think we always ask YOU if you are on something?"
"Well that is a natural enthusiasm for life and my friends, and if you can't appreciate that and want to make me feel like it's something to be ridiculouled than you can go fuck yourself!" "Oh and btw if you don't want to go to the bar you don't have to, but you can't stay here, I have a roomate who is trying to go to bed and it is a monday night."
"Oh well why didn't you just tell me that in the first place?"
"Well I did but you weren't listening."
"No you never said that."
Noah scottys boyfriend turns to jared and says "Oh yeah, yeah I heard him say that, he told everyone." Plus it isn't my job to inform jared that my roomate is sleeping so that's why we should be quiet and go to the bar now that it's midnight and on a monday. jesus.
Case Closed Jared is a fucking jerk. I even went to the extreme of deleting him out of my phone that night. I won't be calling him. *breathes* I just had enough of his cocky ass, he is not going to push me around and fuck with me.
Cara came up and told me that it was good for me to have done that. She said that he tries pushing people around, I told her that he won't be doing that to me.
I have just been placing jared as such an important friend in my life, giving, giving, giving. Whenever he was in a bind with money I would spot him, if he needed a drink I would buy one, I would open up my house to him, make him drinks, bum him cigarettes and I realized that he wasn't worthy of such a special treatment from james st. james. Not only do we hardly have any sort of real conversation together, he is totally flaky and adhd, yeah if he wants to kick it fine, but my eyes won't shine up for him as a beautiful friend as it once did.
(end rant)
I am heading up to Logan today to visit my Mom. I feel bad that I haven't visited the parents since I moved down here to SLC. I just wasn't ready to return to that valley yet. I do have today and tomorrow off and it seems it would be nice to just see my mom and my brother and to keep my mom company seeing that my dad is out of town in georgia for two weeks. I'm a little nervous about money right now, I didn't plan the whole rent thing as best as I could. I'll be able to swing it though, money is abundant in my life and comes to me freely.