Jun 29, 2004 07:56
end euphoria.
the currents of my life seem to be pulling me in another direction, where the waters aren't as still, the water is slapping the sides of the foundation now and the thoughts to come have left me with an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. Have I gotten carried away already? The self-doubt is evident. I fear right now more than anything failure. I may need to take a break and collect my thoughts. Reorganize my life so that Life isn't as such an endless party of drinks and deep intense stares. Ahhh, but how wonderful it is to be just that, an explosion of fun and witty shrouded by the warm summer heat, the taste of friends jokes still in my mouth.
This week will be good for me. I will figure out my money situation today, go grocery shopping, workout everyday until friday, work everyday until sunday and have a wonderful BBQ with friends, possibly at my place. Yes, it will be good for me to dive myself in the pool of the working world, the self-world, the quiet, thoughtful, imaginitive solo world of me and my thoughts, in this skin picking up on the subtle reflections of myself in nature and those around me.