There is nothing in common

Jun 28, 2005 22:00

So I just went through my friends page for the first time in what feels like a year, though it's only been something more like a week.

I'm amazed at how out of the loop I feel after just one week of not keeping up with people. And what this makes me realize even more, is not that I don't care about my friend's or not that I don't consider them friends anymore, but more of the fact that I feel so distanced from them, and I don't really care that I'm so far away.

I feel like my life has completely changed center, and the center is no where near me anymore. I see what my friend's are going through; most of them having to deal with graduating, or other school woes, spiritual fights, and believe me, I have my own load of them as well. But these problems are not what I even care about.

As I see my life from my eyes, all my focus is around the fact that I am a Christian MAN (we'll talk about that topic later), with a wife (though not officially mine yet), and that I have a job to do for the glory of the Kingdom of God. My life is based around these three things, and I feel that it distances me from all of you.

My life is based off of a system of necessity. And don't anybody take this the wrong way, but I don't need any of you. To the world, that may sound harsh, but all of the necessities of my life have been met.

I have my wife, who is my best friend, and who is the fulfillment of a promise of God to me. I have my salvation, from which comes my mission on this Earth to spread his word. And what else is there that I need? Only the things to support those two. I do not turn to those my own age for guidance in the scriptures, or mentoring in the faith. I feel we're all at the same level, so there can be no real growth from having only those relationships. I must look to those who are wiser, (as is mentioned in scriptures time over time) and the growth that I can receive from fellowship with them.

None of you can tell me from experiences that God has granted you, how to deal with the things that lay ahead of me.

Here's what it boils down to:

1.) Compared to others my age; I have only one common goal with them, and that is to spread Christ's love to the world. There are no other comparison's between what you and I are going through.

2.) I miss Sarah.

3.) I miss having older men of God who I can learn from.

4.) I've learned to deal with being away from my Christian support, but there's only so much I can do on my own.

I'm telling all of you, beware of how you respond to this if you so choose to.
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