I LOVE YOU. We need to have a movie night...if both our parents weren't snow-fearing people, then we could have done it last night. Seriously though, I can't blame mom for hating driving in the snow (or your dad for that matter). We drove all the way to St. Joe's on Tuesday before finding out that SMA was closed. Then we had to wait in the parking lot and at starbucks for another hour until LaSalle announced it was closed. AND THEN, we drove back. Hills are not fun.
(Children's story. Fisherman catches a magic flouder, who's actually a prince. Let's the fish go, tells his wife, who makes him go back and wish for something, a cottage (because they live in a lousy hut). He does, reluctantly, and the fish/prince gives him the cottage. Two weeks go by and the wife demands a castle. Husband doesn't want to, but the wife is scary. Fish gives them a castle. Then she wants to be king. Then emperor. Then pope. The fish/prince grants all of these, but then she demands to be a god. When the fisherman relays the message, the fish/prince says, "Go home, then. She is sitting again in the hut.")
Is it too "fisherman's wife" to hope for no school again?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure we start at ten. Rats.
I LOVE YOU. We need to have a movie night...if both our parents weren't snow-fearing people, then we could have done it last night. Seriously though, I can't blame mom for hating driving in the snow (or your dad for that matter). We drove all the way to St. Joe's on Tuesday before finding out that SMA was closed. Then we had to wait in the parking lot and at starbucks for another hour until LaSalle announced it was closed. AND THEN, we drove back. Hills are not fun.
Check this link. Stephen Fry = love
Je t'adore.
Je t'aime! We can still hope for no school...but I'm rather thrilled with the late start right now.
je t'aime!
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