One Shot: Smallville - Graduation Day

Nov 09, 2005 09:07

Author: Tyrical
Title: Graduation Day
Series: Smallville
Pairing: Lex/Clark
Rating: NC- 17, FRM
Beta: No
Summary: There are many types of graduations.
A pairing of your choosing gets drunk (one or both) and lets slip some
truths they hadn't mentioned before. They end up having sex, but the
next day - forgets all about it. Or did they?

Was part of the Cliché Fuh-Q-Fest at
Feedback: Yes please! Good, Bad, Indifferent. It's all good.
Author's notes: No spoilers. Disregards anything after S1.

Lex was not a strong man.
Despite all the things he had accomplished that begged to differ.
Lex knew the truth he was not a strong man.


Lex knew temptation.
Lex knew it well.
Temptation was an old friend.
A friend, who used him, abused him and then threw him to the side like an old toy.
Sometimes he used temptation like the whore she was.
Like any backstabbing friend they usually had something special that drew you back even though you knew better.
That was temptation.
Temptation was a beautiful person who didn’t know better.
Temptation was innocence refined.
Offering everything promising nothing.
Inevitably you give in and you usually have the time of your life and sometimes you paid for it in spades.


Lex froze when he entered the guest room. Oh my god.
When he starting breathing normally again he whispered.
“I shall not want.”
“He will deliver me from temptation.”
Not more than 20 feet in front of him lay a gift. He saw long tan legs framed by white sheets he felt himself tremble. A nervous hand found its way to back of his skull. He took another deep breath.
“I shall not want.”
The blankets had been kicked to the floor. The sheet was rucked up to his thighs and down to his waist exposing a broad back. A back that he had licked and sucked last night. Unknowingly his tongue ran across his lower lip.
“He will deliver me from temptation.”
As he slowly walked into the room he glanced around the room. What he saw made him do a double take. On a chair Clark’s clothes neatly folded. Usually there would be nothing so surprising about that but that meant?
“Oh shit!” he murmured softly.
He was quickly drawn back to the bed when he heard a soft sigh and some rustling fabric. Lex could only stare as Clark’s chest was exposed the sheets rode up higher on his thighs. Lex was sure that Michelangelo’s David would have been named Clark if Michelangelo saw what he was seeing now. When Clark was 15 he was already gift. At 21 he was a god. Lex was strumming with tension. Instinct told him to pounce but reality intruded and reminded him that friends don’t jump friends while sober. Even if said friend had pounced on him last night. Lex was surprised he wasn’t sore. He took a pounding earlier this morning.

Although Lex wanted to continue staring (well drooling actually) at the heavenly body that was on displayed before him he had a job to do. He would put on a brave non-aroused face and wake his friend up so he’ll get back to the campus in time to meet the parents who will be helping to move said friend to an apartment that said friend “really got on his own” which just happens to be down the block from his apartment. Lex smiled faintly as he remembered last night. His eyes seeing the past instead of the lovely image in front him.


“It’s official Lex! I had my last final. My stuff is packed and you owe me lots and lots of liquid refreshment!” Clark told him as he waltzed into Lex’s office. Lex smiled at the fact that in 7 years nothing changed. Clark still walked into any office Lex had as if he had a right to be there. Which Lex had encouraged even if Clark wasn’t aware of it. Lex’s security and staff knew he was available to Clark 24-7. Not even girlfriends have that kind of access to him.
“Earth to Lex! Come in!”
“Sorry about that Clark zoned out for a minute.”
“So where are you taking me?” Clark asked. Lex watched as Clark threw himself into one of the chairs in front of his desk.
Lex smiled indulgently.
“Well there’s only one place to go when celebrating one’s graduation from the hallowed halls of Met U.”
Clark sat up grinning from ear to ear and they both said.
Clark smiled that brilliant smile of his and then walked to the door.
“Pick me up at nine. I gotta say good bye to a few people!”
Lex nodded then shooed him out the door with his hand.

At nine the Lincoln Town car pulled up in front of Clark’s dorm. Not driving one of his own cars was his only concession when he planned to imbibe lots of alcohol. Besides if he drove Clark wouldn’t drink and that was out of the question tonight. He planned to get Clark good and drunk. He would normally get a limo but Clark would balk at the excess and it was easier to get around the city in Town car than a limo. Clark was leaning against the building looking at the sky and Lex took Clark’s distraction as an opportunity to unashamedly stare at Clark. Dressed in black pants and an indigo blue button down shirt Clark was a vision. The neck was open at the collar and the sleeves were rolled up to the elbow. Black loafers on his feet completed a look of understated elegance. Lex smiled to himself; he finally got the flannel out of the boy and natural fabrics into the man. When Clark realized he had arrived Clark smiled that brilliant smile again and walked toward the car. Lex was about to say hello when Clark hugged him.
“What was that for?” he asked, after he returned the hug.
Clark smiled again.
“For you being you! That’s all.”
Lex raised an eyebrow and then shrugged.
“Well graduate let’s get you loaded!”

Off they went and Lex held true to his word. Clark’s hand was never empty and after four hours of drinking it seemed Clark was finally getting drunk! Lex knew that Clark had amazing stamina but this was just incredible. Luckily he was smart enough not to match Clark drink for drink. Between the two of them they were hit on by every single girl in the bar and a few brave guys. Lex knew something was up because every time they were approached Clark shifted closer to Lex. More often than not Clark kept a hand on Lex. Either his arm or his leg, even if Clark was in deep conversation with someone else Clark’s hand seem to absently stroke or rub what ever body part of Lex’s he was touching.

Lex reeled at one point when Clark whispered in his ear that the guy who just tried to hit on him gave the worst blow jobs. Lex almost dropped the glass he was holding as he tried to process that statement. Lex decided to hold back on the drinking because obviously Clark was finally drunk. Since that was the only way he would admit such a thing.

Ironically both of them turned down various offers and ended up back in the Lincoln at about 5 in the morning. Clark was hanging on to Lex for dear life all the while humming some song from the bar and Lex was just enjoying the feel of Clark around him when the car pulled up. Being quite drunk himself but nowhere to the level of Clark he maneuvered Clark inside before he got in.

Telling the driver to take him home he figured Clark would sleep it off at his apartment no sense worrying about going back to the dorm now. So preoccupied with his thoughts of taking care of Clark Lex was surprised a minute later when he suddenly had a mouthful of Clark. Lex was so surprised that he opened his mouth in a gasp Clark took it as an opportunity to slip his tongue inside. Lex was momentarily confused but soon the drunk haze he was in melded into a drunk and aroused haze and as he kissed Clark back the years of pent up tension exploded.

Lex reached up and roughly grabbed Clark’s hair, which made Clark moan deep in his throat and then he pulled on it to expose Clark’s neck, which he attacked viciously. Biting Clark’s neck with small nips and bathing Clark’s neck with his tongue. Not to be out done Clark somehow had unbuckled his pants and was now stroking his cock. Lex arched into Clark’s touch temporarily forgetting how to think. Clark expertly worked Lex’s cock and just as Lex was about to come Clark bent and swallowed him down. Lex couldn’t help but explode he was finally seeing his fantasy come true. Clark continued swallowing and licking until Lex stopped shuddering. When Lex could think again he pulled Clark into a slow lingering kiss. His body was feeling slightly lethargic and that was all he could do at the moment. As the kiss started to pick up in intensity the driver subtly coughed and Lex realized they had reached his apartment. Clark tucked Lex back into his pants and straightened his shirt and then he slipped out the car and waited for Lex to get out.

Lex colored faintly when he realized his driver had a front row seat for the festivities but he was relieved when the driver caught his eye and faint smile graced the driver’s face. Note to self-Thomas gets a great big tip and a raise. Lex smiled a wry grin and headed out to see just where this thing between he and Clark was headed. Clark waited patiently at the door of the car and when Lex exited Clark slipped his arm around Lex’s waist and they both headed upstairs. As soon as the door closed Clark pounced. Suddenly all Lex could think or feel was Clark. It felt like Clark was everywhere all at once. He could feel the power in Clark’s thighs. He could feel Clark’s erection on his hip. He could feel arms wrapped around him holding him in place. Clark had him up against the wall and was currently trying to reach the back of his mouth with his tongue.

Something was wrong.

When Clark finally let go of his mouth and Lex was gasping for breath something in Lex’s brain was starting to kick in. Something was wrong but he didn’t know what it was but it is something. After years of flirting and innuendo what changed? Why now? Was it the alcohol? Did Clark finally feel that now it was OK to act on this? To change their relationship so suddenly with no discussion or anything what did he miss? Although Lex’s body was ready - really ready - Clark was sucking on his collarbone and that really drove him crazy - he had to stop this. Truth be told he wanted his first time with Clark to be…well special. He certainly did not want their first time to be in a drunken haze that Clark could so conveniently forget in the morning. If Clark wanted to do this then they would but not like this. Not with an easy way out. If he was going to lose a friend damn it he would do it right. He would be damned if his dick got in the way. So Lex did the hardest thing he ever had to do. He pulled himself out of Clark’s grip and uttered words he never thought he would say especially if he ever found himself in this position.
“Clark Stop.” He gasped.
“Stop what? This?” Clark answered as he nibbled on Lex’s neck. “Or this?” Clark questioned and he started rocking himself against Lex.
“All of it!” Lex moaned as his body started to respond to Clark’s teasing.
“Aww! Lex you’re no fun!” Clark pouted as he reluctantly pulled away. “You are a terribly…responsible when you’re drunk!”
Lex raised his eyebrow in mock annoyance as Clark uttered the word ‘responsible’ as if it were really a dirty word.
“You need to sleep.”
Then it was Clark’s turn to raise an eyebrow.
“What? It’s true! Someone has to meet his parents in…” Lex looked at his watch. “In six hours.”
Clark groaned and banged his head against the wall.
“I’m sure your dad.”
Clark cut him off with a loud groan.
“I get it. Stopping.” Suddenly he pulled Lex to him and kissed him long and deep. When Clark was finished Lex was panting. If Lex was thinking straight he might have noticed that Clark walked and talked as if he hadn’t had a drink all night. As it was his mind was still on Clark’s mouth by time he realized he was standing alone in the hallway. Lex leaned against the wall and looked at the ceiling. He should do the right thing here. He should walk away but he was not a saint and right now he decided he would let his dick do the thinking. With a deep breath and slight bit of heartache he followed Clark into the guest room.


So here it was 9AM in the morning and Lex was trying very hard to forget that he just fucked the man on the bed through the mattress not more than a few hours ago. So Lex thought about the parents he will be meeting in 2 hours. He realized approaching the bed would be a mistake so he decided to call out from the door. Before he could say anything Clark sat up and yawned hugely his eyes blinking in sunlight. Clark looked around and when he saw Lex he smiled. It was a sleepy little smile and then Clark patted the bed. Lex smiled back took a deep breath and walked to the bed. He approached the bed warily as if any moment Clark would really wake up and realize what he did. Lex sat down gingerly and avoided looking at Clark for the moment. He stiffened when he felt Clark’s hands on his back. Then he sighed when he felt Clark’s lips on his neck. Clark led a gentle yet persistent assault on Lex’s body. Then he felt Clark’s lips whisper in his ear.
“I wasn’t drunk last night.” Lex felt Clark nibble on his lobe. “Or ignorant of what we did.” Clark started kissing his neck and then he whispered in Lex’s other ear. “Did you think I’d play it off?”
Lex groaned and leaned into Clark’s body then asked.
“What changed?”
Clark easily pulled Lex fully on to the bed. Then Clark arranged himself into between Lex’s legs.
“I graduated.”
“That’s important how?”
“No longer under my parents' control.”
“I made a promise.”
“I kept it.”
“And now?
“And now I. Want. You.”
“Is that all?”
“No, it’s just the beginning.”
Lex looked into Clark’s eyes and all he saw was heat.

Enough talk Lex decided and proceeded to take advantage of the bounty that was laid out before him. This time there was no rush. There was no alcohol dulling the senses. There was nothing to separate reality from the situation. When Lex finally realized that Clark was serious he took control and at once Clark melted into Lex. Lex decided that there is nothing better in the world than Clark’s mouth. No scratch that. There was nothing better than Clark. All of Clark. With extreme tenderness and a whole lot of love Clark made love to Lex.

Lex was relieved of his robe and boxers. Slow and unhurried Lex explored Clark. Lex found out that Clark was really sensitive on his inner thighs. Lex discovered that he could drive Clark mindless with his tongue in Clark’s behind. Lex relished how perfect Clark felt inside him. It was if every other person was practice it seemed he was made for the man who was thrusting inside of him. Lex thought that the feel of Clark inside him was intense but that was nothing when he saw Clark come. Clark’s eyes were shut tight. Teeth bared and the muscles in his arms and chest bursting out. Clark’s entire body radiated power and Lex came without even touching himself. When Lex woke he realized Clark was still buried within him and wrapped around him.

Sadly Lex looked at the clock. It was noon! Shit! They were so late.
“Clark get up!”
“Don’t wanna!”
“Clark its twelve!”
“Yes and?” Clark grumbled as he buried his face in Lex’s neck.
“Twelve o’ clock!” When no comprehension followed Lex shook Clark. “You’re parents Clark.”
“Yes, what about them?”
Highly annoyed at this point Lex barely ground out an answer.
“Yes, what about them Clark?”
Hearing Lex’s patience had run out Clark ran a soothing hand down Lex’s chest.
“I called them already, they won’t arrive until 4. We have plenty of time.”
“I called them yesterday. I told them that I would be celebrating my graduation.” Clark smiled wickedly before he continued. “And early morning would be a bad time to come pick me up.”
Lex nearly shoved Clark out of the bed he was so ticked.
“You. Set. Me. Up!”
Clark smirked a bit at Lex’s outrage and tightened his hold on Lex before Lex could bolt out of bed.
“I did no such thing. I believe that’s your specialty.”
Calming down a bit Lex stared at Clark like he never saw him before.
“What was this promise?”
Clark furrowed his brow in confusion.
“This morning you said you made a promise. What was it?”
Clark smiled faintly.
“I did wonder when you were going to ask about that.”
Lex gave a pointed look. Clark quickly continued.
“You see Mom figured it out before I did and she made me promise.”
“She figured out what and what did you promise?”
“Mom figured out that I was head over heels in love with you.”
Lex’s mouth dropped open, which Clark took as a sign to continue.
“So she made me promise that I would finish school before I did anything.”
Clark waited to see if Lex would interrupt. Seeing the slightly shocked look on his face he continued.
“She wanted me to be sure you were what I wanted. She said I really should experience college life with out all scrutiny of who you were and being out on campus. So I agreed.”
It seemed Lex was over his shock because after that he raised his hand and traced Clark’s face.
“Yesterday you graduated.”
“Yeah, I did.”
Lex smiled. It was a small smile that lit up his entire face. Clark smiled back. It was that brilliant smile that Lex had seen more often in the last two days than most of the time they had been friends. Their friendship was ending but hopefully their friendship was a strong enough base to build something wonderful together.


‘Well, we shall see what will become of this.’

~ Fin ~

one shot, smallville

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