No, I didn't just misspell 'keyboard'. It's apparently a new term according to (as much as you can trust Urbandictionary, I guess... defined as: having looked at everything you wanted to on the internet and now you're bored.
So! Meme - time from new friend
semipertinent (which I continue to misread as semipermanent for some reason):
- Leave a comment saying "What's up?!" [or some variation thereof...]
- I'll ask you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
- Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.
semipertinent's questions to me are:
1. If you could live anywhere, where would that be?
There are a few places I would like to live... I think. You know when you visit someplace, and you think "Gah, love to visit, but wouldn't want to live there?" I've never visited say... Scotland, but I would love to live there if I did visit and I liked it. Or maybe I'll be jealous of all the hair that's redder than my own, and I'll move myself to Japan (because culture shock is fun!), and also because, Why not? I'm almost over the Japanese phase in my life so that might not work either. UTAH.... well, yeah... I'd like to visit for about 6-9 months and then leave. Because that's all of it I'm sure I'd be able to stand. My sister is there and it'd be great to hang with her. But then it would start snowing and we've ice down here right now and everything has basically shut down for days on end, so I know I wouldn't be able to handle it. Plus, it's a really great place for me to find a husband (as I'm Mormon and there's a high concentration up there) but well, I call it the Bubble and I don't know if I can stand to be in it for any length of time because they are So Damn Elitist up there. Which I guess brings me back to plain Old Oklahoma. But I think that's because even though I'm not in OK right now, it will always feel like home.
2. I see you are an L fan! Who is your favorite character from Death Note, and what is your favorite scene involving them?
Oh, L... I loved him so! I think when he handcuffed himself to Light. Possibly when L ventured out and played tennis with Light. Such a great character. *sniffles* I don't think it ever happened in the anime (but it's been a while since I saw it) but I think I remember fan art of it somewhere where L forgets he's handcuffed to Light and starts a fistfight. Ahh... good times. Anyhow, are you still reading? Fantastic!
3. Do you have any pets? If not, what sort of pet would you like?
I do! Well, I did. Sort of. I moved out of my parents house for my first couple of years of college. About 6 days later, I bought a cat from the pet store/animal shelter. Totally black... six months old. Adorable little thing. cute fuzzy kitty side and crazy psycho side. Named her Dyad. When I moved back in with my parents due to roommate/monetary issues, I had to adopt her out to a friend because my mother is allergic and won't take the pills. So Dyad is staying with my friend until I get my own place again. My friend takes good care of her, but changed her name to Luna. Ahhh, well. I miss my cat and visit often.
4. How long have you been on LJ, and what made you sign up?
Probably about 6 years? When did Advent Children come out? That's around the time I got an LJ. Roommate made the background for me. I still don't know how that works. Besides, I like Kadaj. Though I wouldn't now be adverse to something from the Eleventh Doctor Who. :D My not-quite-yet-roommate Megan made me sign up. So we could talk to each other without phones... plus it was new and interesting. And I'd always been told to keep a journal. I was just doing it in the new and modern way. I didn't realize that after so long, the stupid entries got deleted....
5. If you could have an epic throwdown with any villain, who would it be? How would you attempt to make them eat dirt?
Crap. You would ask me a question I didn't have an answer to. And it has to be epic? I'm trying to think. Every villian I can think of has either joined the light side in the end or had reasons for what he did. Possibly it's late and that's why I can only think of Darth Vader, Scar, Treize Kushrenada, Oh! Okay, how about the Daleks? (hi, my new fandom is apparently Doctor Who...) I think I would probably just take up a lightsaber and cut off their eyestalk and then slash through the plunger arm (come on! They stuck a plunger on a cardboard box and people just went with it! The Brits didn't even try to disguise it. It's like they're flaunting the fact that it's a plunger.......) Okay, I'm pretty much epic fail at this point. Maybe later today I'll come up with something really awesome. and I'll edit it in.