Why has practially nothing changed on the internet since 3 am?
Here's a little rundown before I go crazy about Assassin's Creed:
Got sick Wednesday with some sort of chill, achy, sinus-y stuff and left work because I was shaking with cold after two hours to sleep, thinking that if I did that, I MIGHT be able to go to the scheduled D&D game for which I had make cake and bought scones (even though I have a reciepe for scones) Slept while Walter was finally repaired by brother and Dad. Texted the Dungeon Master at 3 to tell her I'd talked to her sister and she knew the situation, and I wasn't going to make it. To which she replied "Please" with Puppy Dog Eyes. And I drug myself out of bed. I went to D&D in my Jammies, but who cares?
Half way through the night, they got tired of seeing me shiver under the blanket and try desperately to nap while they figured out what they wanted in town (I'm too new to know What to want) and they said here are magic pills, you will eat them. After discussing the merits of Advil (stomach ulcers) and Tylenol (kills the liver), I mistakenly tell them it takes 4 advil to even work on me. But I do (in about 45 minutes) feel better. And continue the night with my wily little gnome rogue.That's only been attacked once but hits like a MoFo! Yay Rogues!
Anywho, home by about 9 and I slipped back into bed to sleep until the next day at nine waking up at various intervals of the night confused about the time, but able to see the brother playing WOW on Walter, so all is right with the world
Thursday I feel better, as in I'm not chilled when no one else is but still have that weird head swimmy feeling and stay home from classes.
My brother got some mail we were all looking for and he's being sent on a Church mission to Nevada Las Vegas West (which is like the western half of Nevada and a little bit of California including some town named Quincy). We are very proud of him, and he's super excited to go to "Lost Wages" even if the church won't actually allow him to go to the Strip.
And then, at 7 am persuaded to go to a football game where I get my first food of the day which makes me a little queasy again. But it was the rival high school game, and my HS won (and I don't know the final score as we left a little early because dad remembered I was sick, but I am the only one who goes with him to football game) but I was only there to see the bands. Our band is horrible, but has sufferered under bad directors. The other guys band is awesome and has won B.O.A competitions. (I liked our show better. Cleaner. But they marched to Claire de Lune, which I have a problem with)
And are you still reading?? FInally, we get to the facebook game!!! I haven't been this obsessed with something since Gundam Wing, folks. Ezio is awesome. I'm naming my new phone Ezio. Assassin's Creed II, fangirl squee all over the place (Somewhat less squee over the fact that Ubi has decided that making people older equals giving everyone beards to hide their beautiful faces *pouts*) There's a facebook game! And everyone knows that facebook needs another game to make people procrastinate. But I wasn't tired, or my body was tired and and my mind was not because I went right to playing it, and when at level 9 I decided that I needed to recharge my points and leave it alone I get in bed and start reading The Dream-Hunter by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Not her best book, but better than the latest ones IMO. I shall talk about her books later, as I'm still talking about Ass Creed facebook game which now has closed on me 3 times saying that I'm logged in elsewhere.and I just unlocked the Memory for Mario Auditore! Ezio's Uncle! You folks should have seen me at A-kon. I was the picture of that screaming fangirl who's hands fly up to her face to hid her manic grin and restrain herself from going over and hugging him. (It's bad form)
And now off to try facebook one more time, reupload office and write my resume to turn into the school so I can be placed in a school for the spring semester and I can be DONE! and EMPLOYED! and not living in a box on the side of the ROAD!