Topic of Now: "This (Animu) DOESN'T EXIST!"

Apr 23, 2011 01:03

Sorry for not posting here as often as I should.  I was too busy posting on FaaFbook, playing Arcana Heart 3, and wondering what to do after my unemployment insurance runs out.  But hey, here's my new tag: "Topic of Now."  And the topic for right now is how, basically, the inability for fandom to truly "grow up."

Let's use Tsukihime for a prime example.  This anime "doesn't exist" because Kenichi Suzumura's Shiki had sex with Arcueid or some other junk like that.  I truly don't know if it's the hatred for Kenichi, (Japanese) virgins' hatred for Shiki because they couldn't relate to him after he had sex, the hatred for him picking Arc, or some other junk (that nobody wants to talk about).  I just believe that it's childish and gives people an excuse to run away from the REAL problem(s) nobody wants to deal with.

I hated a lot of animu.  Evangelion, Haruhi, CLANNAIDS, on down.  But I had to accept them.  I had no choice but to accept these animu and their fanbase.

I had to accept the fact that there are people in the world who lack the important ingredients such as talent, open-mindedness, originality, RESTRAINT, and intelligence; yet end up in important positions for a variety of reasons.

I had to accept the fact that there are people out there who, no matter how normal they say they are, would kill you (because you're not them) and same someone who would ultimately leave them for dead.

I had to accept a lot of things.  Annoying singers.  Copycat rappers.  Animu creators who are too cowardly to escape from their own downward spiral of their own horrible creations.  Mindless shooting-type video games.  Gory movies that have otherwise cool trailers.  Otherwise cool and deep fighting games that have REALLY questionable material.  :)

I accepted a lot.  I now have a deeper respect for country music; as well as other musicians who feature more people playing instruments then doing anything else in a song.  I now understand what happens when you leave "people with brains" out of an "explosions and crap" movie (i.e. Transformers II).  I can now find it within me to be a bit more honest with myself and others (thanks to that "kicking distance").

Or, more to the point:  I wish people in general were more honest.  I.e.  I wish FUNimation would lie less about the animu they're selling to people.  If a shounen lead is going to SUCK @ LIFE (ala Eva's Shinji, Sekirei, Birdy, Certain Self-Insert Touma, on down) they shouldn't have to do cover it up with "action," "excitement," and whatever.  They should just tell everyone the truth so those who have higher expectation and standards should go somewhere else (and take our money out of FUNi's hands in tow).

But you know.  Hey.  [Insert something here] Doesn't Exist.  I don't exist because the people who believe I don't exist have a worse grasp of reality than drug addicts.  (Atleast the drug addicts realize that they need money to support their drug habits.)

Meanwhile, there's some Tea-Party politician in New York somewhere who's mad because he can't, with his bat, threaten to bludgeon more people into voting for him.  There's also a certain politician who's going to have a 4th term as Tokyo's governor despite his hatred for the otaku-base.

I don't know what the old saying was, to be honest.  "What you don't know..." *BONK!!*  That's gotta hurt!  \_(-_-)_/

"topic of now"

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