Jul 05, 2006 21:31
to be perfectly honest, i am really frustrated. i'm trying to build my business and no one else is interested in building a business with me. my parents and relatives are surprisingly unsupportive and uninterested in participating in something i'm passionate about.
Arbonne is an AMAZING opportunity to become not only financially stable, but financially FREE. free as in not tied down to any sort of routine job. free as in able to spend all their time in the prayer room or with their family because Arbonne requires only 10-15 hours in a fulltime week. free as in able to not only make your bills but to give and pour out finances for others who need it. to feed, clothe, and show love and generosity to the poor.
yes, it's not for everyone. but it is for people who don't fit into society's box. it's for the people who crave true, real, life. it's for the people who are dedicated, motivated, and have desires, dreams, goals, and visions they want to attain and grow in.
i am SO passionate and excited about this business. i cannot wait to find people who want to join me in getting out of this rat race our society has forced us into. i want to be free to walk in my calling - which is travelling the world, building orphanages, preaching the Word, and calling out those in my generation who are sick and tired of the normal, day to day, materialistic, Godless life we so often live.
i refuse to be pessimistic and standoffish! God has placed this opportunity before me and i will be darned if i dont jump at the chance to live life to the fullest and to be able to seek His face with all i am. not only can i seek Him completely, but i can do it without having to worry about providing for a family (that will be taken care of), or to have to face a dead end future full of anxiety, stress, that is dictated by those who look at my generation as another number.
i am not an Arbonne expert by any means. but i see people succeeding all around me. i'm surrounded by the youth of my generation who are seeing the opportunity, jumping at the chance to be free, and are not only growing in their personal lives, but they are also making money.
God is good and He is a provider. He doesnt always do things in the way we expect Him to. i trust Him and i know He has better things for me than i have for myself.
dont be a pessimist. dont stand with the crowd and then go down with the crowd. be unique. be who you are, who He created you to be. and sometimes that involves standing completely apart; jumping when you cant see the bottom and simply trusting that He will catch you and place you where you need to be. Arbonne is an open door to financial freedom from societies rat race.
i AM going through the doorway and i WILL succeed abundantly.