Title: When one discovers Clampkink's existence
Author: Nekocin
Fandom: Card Captor Sakura
One of the CLAMP characters discovers this kink meme. What is their reaction?Other: from
clampkink , several fills for this prompt
Genre: crack
"What are you doing?"
Kero-chan shrieked and slipped on the keyboard. "Suppi! Don't sneak on me like that!"
"I did not. You were too busy to hear me come in." Suppi deadpanned. He flicked his eyes to the screen.
"'Nii-chan held onto Yue's long hair and tugged him forward for a kiss. Warning, it's yoai." He read monotonously.
"Eeek! Don't read!" The Sun guardian flailed as he took flight and plastered himself on the screen.
"I just did. And the term yoai doesn't exist."
"So what? It's net speak."
Suppi rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Dinner is ready."
The idea of Kero-chan attempting to write a kinky pr0n about Touya and Yue is just too amusing...