A moment to think, now that I think about it...

Jul 17, 2005 05:32

Sometimes, the crazy forces of the universe will act upon you, force your grey matter to cogitation, and eventually help you make certain conclusions about your life. Sometimes you jump to them... but usually, you take a small step, and there the conclusions are. I have met one.
When I last left Seven Helleven, I did so under the impression that ANY job is better than that one. But it was not to be so. You see, working in general licks teh ballzorx. Occasionally, however, we will come across a job that we like. Somewhere we don't mind working, or even look forward to.
Well, the trouble with this is, we all believe, more or less, that such a place exists only for those who already work there. But I have reflected, and I say Nay!
I've decided, then, to take up a job somewhere else... the money doesn't matter... and enjoy it. I want to have a job I don't hate, and one that isn't open twenty-four hours a day for fuck sake. So... if I have less money than usual in the next few months, don't be too shocked.
((BTW- I'm not leaving Sev, like, today. I will be talking with some people, working some shit out, and deciding precisely what it is I'd like to do. THEN, I'll leave.))
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