Jan 10, 2007 14:34
I've reached a milestone. I've entered my last semester here at UNC Pembroke. I couldn't be happier. Then again, I couldn't be more afraid. Once I graduate, that's it. I'm out in the real world. Well, for at least a year. I'm sticking by my guns and am still going to take a year off. Depending on where I get a job, graduate school should be my main priority come fall of 2008. This year off is something that I'm really going to need.
My classes this semester are a mixed lot. I have inorganic chemistry (a class I should have taken years ago), instrumental analysis (the hardest class of the semester. Worse than P. Chem? Don't know yet), a biology class as an elective and research with Dr. Mandjiny. All in all, this is the only semester so far that I haven't been able to predict the difficulty level of. We'll see in the coming weeks.
I think once I graduate, I'm going to cancel my LJ. I've been using this thing for 3 years now. I've chronicled my college years and my trials and tribulations for 3 years. I definitely needed a cartharsis. It felt good to be able to go somewhere and jot down all my thoughts and emotions. I'll miss it, but I don't think it will do me much good after graduation. I don't think it's juvenile, but I don't think I'll have the time to fill it up with rants and rambles. I barely post now. Before I cancel it though, I think I'll go back and read all the entries and see how much I developed over the years.
Wow... still can't believe that in a little under four months, I'll be leaving Pembroke with a degree in chemistry. Pembroke and I have had our differences... boy have we. The first two years were great, but I'm tired of it now. It's not the way it was when I first got here. I love the friends I made, and I thank Pembroke for them, but otherwise... I can't help but wonder what my college experience would have been like if I went to another college in a bigger town. Charlotte, for instance or maybe even Wilmington. Hell, even a college outside of NC. Oh well. Can't dwell on the "what ifs". Point is, Pembroke has given me happy times and has given me hard times, but that would have happened anywhere I went.
I need to catch a nap before my night class. Otherwise, I won't make it past the first half hour.