Carrie Dann came from the Fish Creek rescue. Sometime before the rescue Carrie suffered a terrible injury to her left hind leg. She apparently caught it on some wire and stripped her leg of all her skin and tissue. As there was no treatement or medical care available her leg healed the best it could, but was overgrown with "proud flesh". When Lifesavers brought her home it was a priority to get her gentled as soon as possible so we could have her leg repaired before it went too far. Our staff trainer, Angi Keitel, worked diligently but patiently with Carrie Dann to earn her trust. Carrie had to be halterable, leadable, load into a horse trailer and let veterinarians handle her. This was a lot to ask of a fresh wild horse, but Angi and Carrie succeeded. Carrie was transported to Alamo Pintado Equine Medical Center and Dr. Rick performed a delicate surgery to remove the old proud flesh. Carrie received skin grafts over her leg in two different surgeries. Though her leg is not beautiful, it has rather large scarring, she is sound on it for the most part and it is healed as much as it will ever be