Jul 01, 2007 15:27
Well. Except it not really your birthday per say. After all, you didn't have revolution declaring your independence. You patiently argued for your rights and responsibilities and look what you've accomplished.
You've forged a nation from coast to coast with no lawless regions or breakdown in the system of government. You intergrated two cultures who spent most of their history fighting wars into one national identity and then expanded that into a successful multicultural policy taking in hundreds of ethnic groups and languages from every country in the world. You're a rich egalitarian nation that provides for its citizens.
You've fought back blindingly cold winters and vast tracts of land under the banner of Peace, Order and Good Government to beignly rule the second largest nation on earth. You're the steadfast eldest daughter of Empire and Commonwealth who was the first and most loyal. I love you my adopted country and it pains me that I cannot be there as often as I'd like. It pains me that when I am there I miss being in the UK.