omg my comment was 1000 characters over the limit. haaa.tyrannicidesDecember 5 2010, 23:11:13 UTC
And it has Iker being patient.
I don't even know what to respond to this whole paragraph. It's just--completely and totally how I want Iker to read, at this point. His characterization's cliche in a lot of ways: but he's a bristly person who gets annoyed with things very easily, and you get the sense that he has the potential to be very cruel when he wants to be. But with Cesc, he's very careful. And yeah, patient is the key word. That’s like, is his epithet in this fic. It ties in with the breakability and the power and the control and age dynamic and all that, but it's more. He likes what Cesc is. He doesn't want him to change. I wanted the way he treats Cesc to be very, uh (god am I going to use this word), tender? Obviously he still gets annoyed, he's still is Iker, but the way he reacts to Cesc is completely different than anyone else. He puts up with shit from him he wouldn’t take from anyone else. You get the sense that he’d let Cesc hurt him really bad and never say a word. He isn’t whipped, per se, but he’s protective of him. It reminds me of a large animal playing with a smaller animal? That weird awareness of size and strength. Like you know that part in Lion King when Mufasa and Simba wrestle around? When Simba pounces on his head and bites his ear and Mufasa’s like |]. That’s Iker and Cesc, except not… creepy and incestuous. …Annnd they’re talking about how it’s okay to be afraid. And obvious hero worship. “I was scared today. I thought I might lose you.” Apparently I’m just lifting everything for my gay AU football fic from the fucking Lion King. I guess there are worse things to lift from. But not creepier things.
Parenthetically, did you get that pic from me or did you pick it out on your own? Because that’d be a serious freaky coincidence--I can’t remember if I posted it, but that’s one of the only pictures I have that I think of as Iker In This Fic. I think the filename is seriously patience.jpg, ahahah.
Totally. And then Iker’s thinking about fingering people and Cesc’s all “I like your room. :)” That’s the difference between them, really.
the gaps in Iker's life are filled with Cesc the way they're supposed to be filled
<3 Yes. And it’s Iker really wanting to know Cesc too, you know. He’s known him for this long and he’s only just now finding out what his favorite movies are and what food he likes and that he has a sister, which seems really fucked up but-he did know Cesc before, in a really intimate way, just not the details. And now the details are getting filled in. The worlds are meshing, you know. Their relationship’s a weird reversal of normal ones-they just went on their first date?-but it works for them.
Maybe it's Iker acknowledging his urges, but not acting out on them?
This, definitely, and-Cesc is being cute about Iker’s mom. Cliche-o-rama again, but family's really important to Iker.
I really do live for your comments. Like, when I get a notification from you, I get ridiculously excited. Thank you, again. Seriously.
Re: omg my comment was 1000 characters over the limit. haaa.choosetodoDecember 6 2010, 00:52:51 UTC
Iker gets grouchy and Sergio won't put up with his shit, but he's always there for him. He understands Iker in a way other people don't.
And I think it's awesome that you make Sergio's understanding strictly Sergio's, ya know? Cesc isn't going to get everything, isn't always going to understand Iker (despite how perceptive he is), and Sergio and Iker have that past together-- they have that comfort to call one another's bluff with no big deal. And I love how you work that in, because it's Real.
I can't believe you just referenced the Lion King. Seriously? I'm not even kidding when I say that that is my favorite movie ever (I don't know what people say, haters can hate, etcetc-- that movie is flawless). And: He isn’t whipped, per se, but he’s protective of him. It reminds me of a large animal playing with a smaller animal? That weird awareness of size and strength. like yes, exactly. I feel like Iker is very aware of just how far he can go with things with Cesc, on a physical level. I think he still struggles with the emotional level of that (but he's doing better, especially in this part), but he knows better than ever what Cesc needs. He knows when to press against him to calm him down, when to hold his wrist or put his hand on his thigh. It's so comfortable now, that Iker just does it without thinking-- like in the backseat of Xavi's car. It's so mindless and that's what makes it so much more important.
I'm not sure where I got that picture-- but I've had it for a while so maybe it was from you? I don't even know, but I love it. It's definitely Iker In This Fic to me. Maybe I got that idea from you, yeah. Maybe not. I'd like to think not, because I think your descriptions lead the reader to instantly think of this Iker, or Iker in flannel and a shirt of a band he doesn't even listen to and shoes meant for skateboarding when he doesn't skateboard. wtf I'm fucking weird.
You need to stop thanking me so much. I need to thank you. You're the reason I comment-- keep that in mind. And you've been inspiring me dude, like that sounds so corny but I've been working this fic idea in my head for, no lie, over a year and I didn't know who to place in it and now I think I do, and I read your updates and it makes me go back to my document and punch out a few lines and gnfdjkhskdfgdk. I wish it was like your fic, really I do. <3
Re: omg my comment was 1000 characters over the limit. haaa.tyrannicidesDecember 6 2010, 02:12:42 UTC
Sergio and Iker have that past together
Yeah! I think that was part of the thought behind the They Once Messed Around thing--it would emphasize that they have something of their own, that does exist outside of Cesc. They really are open and comfortable with being straightforward with each other in a way Iker and Cesc aren't, yet. And that's partially personality, but a lot of it's time, too.
I'm not even kidding when I say that that is my favorite movie ever (I don't know what people say, haters can hate, etcetc-- that movie is flawless).
R u me. "The Lion King" is stuck in my favorite movies on Facebook in between, like, "The Assassination of Jesse James etc. etc." and "Donnie Darko" and other asshole movies I like, and I feel like I spend half my life saying, "No, it's not just the best Disney movie, it's a straight-up good movie. The Lion King is an excellent movie. Period." This is making assumptions on your age, but I feel like it really holds a special place in the heart of my generation-ish (I'm 21). That was the first film where I sat down in a movie theater and was exposed to the idea that my parents were going to die. It doesn't pull its punches, at all, and kids respond to that, you know, they respond to being respected. I sound like such a crotchety old person, but when I see the shit kids are fed today, shit that just insults their intelligence in every way, and doesn't make them think and really feel anything at all. I feel so sorry for them. And I hate that no-one's stepping up the plate and giving them what might hurt at the time, but will remain something that they'll watch when they're in college and feeling sad and alone. You know what I mean? The Lion King is that movie for me.
Anyways, oh wow, I am really going on about The Lion King, ahah. But it is mind-blowingly good, and it had such a huge impact on me. After I posted that response, I went and watched all the clips with Mufasa and I was like, wow, theme of a time limit on a relationship, Simba crawls into his arms when he can't hug back--I REALLY DID RIP THIS FIC OFF THE LION KING. I feel like it really says something for it, though, that apparently that imagery is cemented in my head as What It Feels Like To Be Safe And Loved. It just came out.
I feel like Iker is very aware of just how far he can go with things with Cesc, on a physical level.
Yes. He's aware on a physical level of what he can take--and also that Cesc is so responsive to him, and so eager to be responsive, so he doesn't really have to use the strength he could, sometimes. Like when he squeezes Cesc's wrist. It's a really subdued motion, but feels it and Cesc snaps awake and lets him help. That kind of thing, you know.
I'm not sure where I got that picture-- but I've had it for a while so maybe it was from you?
I actually searched "patient" in my emails lols, just because I knew if I posted it, I'd probably bring that up. I found this thread and then lol'd at the fact that you described Iker as being 1.) in flannel, 2.) some kind of band shirt, 3.) skateboarding shoes because, well. There you go.
No, dude, I mean--the fact that you remembered something I mentioned offhand in, like, chapter fucking 1. About a microwave. Your comments are always so fucking thoughtful and I feel like another me is reading this, like, the way you react to things is the way I want them to be and can't really articulate. I feel so honored that you leave comments like this, I really, really am. And no pressure, but whenever you get your fic done, I'll be first in line to read it. <3
I don't even know what to respond to this whole paragraph. It's just--completely and totally how I want Iker to read, at this point. His characterization's cliche in a lot of ways: but he's a bristly person who gets annoyed with things very easily, and you get the sense that he has the potential to be very cruel when he wants to be. But with Cesc, he's very careful. And yeah, patient is the key word. That’s like, is his epithet in this fic. It ties in with the breakability and the power and the control and age dynamic and all that, but it's more. He likes what Cesc is. He doesn't want him to change. I wanted the way he treats Cesc to be very, uh (god am I going to use this word), tender? Obviously he still gets annoyed, he's still is Iker, but the way he reacts to Cesc is completely different than anyone else. He puts up with shit from him he wouldn’t take from anyone else. You get the sense that he’d let Cesc hurt him really bad and never say a word. He isn’t whipped, per se, but he’s protective of him. It reminds me of a large animal playing with a smaller animal? That weird awareness of size and strength. Like you know that part in Lion King when Mufasa and Simba wrestle around? When Simba pounces on his head and bites his ear and Mufasa’s like |]. That’s Iker and Cesc, except not… creepy and incestuous. …Annnd they’re talking about how it’s okay to be afraid. And obvious hero worship. “I was scared today. I thought I might lose you.” Apparently I’m just lifting everything for my gay AU football fic from the fucking Lion King. I guess there are worse things to lift from. But not creepier things.
Parenthetically, did you get that pic from me or did you pick it out on your own? Because that’d be a serious freaky coincidence--I can’t remember if I posted it, but that’s one of the only pictures I have that I think of as Iker In This Fic. I think the filename is seriously patience.jpg, ahahah.
Totally. And then Iker’s thinking about fingering people and Cesc’s all “I like your room. :)” That’s the difference between them, really.
the gaps in Iker's life are filled with Cesc the way they're supposed to be filled
<3 Yes. And it’s Iker really wanting to know Cesc too, you know. He’s known him for this long and he’s only just now finding out what his favorite movies are and what food he likes and that he has a sister, which seems really fucked up but-he did know Cesc before, in a really intimate way, just not the details. And now the details are getting filled in. The worlds are meshing, you know. Their relationship’s a weird reversal of normal ones-they just went on their first date?-but it works for them.
Maybe it's Iker acknowledging his urges, but not acting out on them?
This, definitely, and-Cesc is being cute about Iker’s mom. Cliche-o-rama again, but family's really important to Iker.
I really do live for your comments. Like, when I get a notification from you, I get ridiculously excited. Thank you, again. Seriously.
And I think it's awesome that you make Sergio's understanding strictly Sergio's, ya know? Cesc isn't going to get everything, isn't always going to understand Iker (despite how perceptive he is), and Sergio and Iker have that past together-- they have that comfort to call one another's bluff with no big deal. And I love how you work that in, because it's Real.
I can't believe you just referenced the Lion King. Seriously? I'm not even kidding when I say that that is my favorite movie ever (I don't know what people say, haters can hate, etcetc-- that movie is flawless). And: He isn’t whipped, per se, but he’s protective of him. It reminds me of a large animal playing with a smaller animal? That weird awareness of size and strength. like yes, exactly. I feel like Iker is very aware of just how far he can go with things with Cesc, on a physical level. I think he still struggles with the emotional level of that (but he's doing better, especially in this part), but he knows better than ever what Cesc needs. He knows when to press against him to calm him down, when to hold his wrist or put his hand on his thigh. It's so comfortable now, that Iker just does it without thinking-- like in the backseat of Xavi's car. It's so mindless and that's what makes it so much more important.
I'm not sure where I got that picture-- but I've had it for a while so maybe it was from you? I don't even know, but I love it. It's definitely Iker In This Fic to me. Maybe I got that idea from you, yeah. Maybe not. I'd like to think not, because I think your descriptions lead the reader to instantly think of this Iker, or Iker in flannel and a shirt of a band he doesn't even listen to and shoes meant for skateboarding when he doesn't skateboard. wtf I'm fucking weird.
You need to stop thanking me so much. I need to thank you. You're the reason I comment-- keep that in mind. And you've been inspiring me dude, like that sounds so corny but I've been working this fic idea in my head for, no lie, over a year and I didn't know who to place in it and now I think I do, and I read your updates and it makes me go back to my document and punch out a few lines and gnfdjkhskdfgdk. I wish it was like your fic, really I do. <3
Yeah! I think that was part of the thought behind the They Once Messed Around thing--it would emphasize that they have something of their own, that does exist outside of Cesc. They really are open and comfortable with being straightforward with each other in a way Iker and Cesc aren't, yet. And that's partially personality, but a lot of it's time, too.
I'm not even kidding when I say that that is my favorite movie ever (I don't know what people say, haters can hate, etcetc-- that movie is flawless).
R u me. "The Lion King" is stuck in my favorite movies on Facebook in between, like, "The Assassination of Jesse James etc. etc." and "Donnie Darko" and other asshole movies I like, and I feel like I spend half my life saying, "No, it's not just the best Disney movie, it's a straight-up good movie. The Lion King is an excellent movie. Period." This is making assumptions on your age, but I feel like it really holds a special place in the heart of my generation-ish (I'm 21). That was the first film where I sat down in a movie theater and was exposed to the idea that my parents were going to die. It doesn't pull its punches, at all, and kids respond to that, you know, they respond to being respected. I sound like such a crotchety old person, but when I see the shit kids are fed today, shit that just insults their intelligence in every way, and doesn't make them think and really feel anything at all. I feel so sorry for them. And I hate that no-one's stepping up the plate and giving them what might hurt at the time, but will remain something that they'll watch when they're in college and feeling sad and alone. You know what I mean? The Lion King is that movie for me.
Anyways, oh wow, I am really going on about The Lion King, ahah. But it is mind-blowingly good, and it had such a huge impact on me. After I posted that response, I went and watched all the clips with Mufasa and I was like, wow, theme of a time limit on a relationship, Simba crawls into his arms when he can't hug back--I REALLY DID RIP THIS FIC OFF THE LION KING. I feel like it really says something for it, though, that apparently that imagery is cemented in my head as What It Feels Like To Be Safe And Loved. It just came out.
I feel like Iker is very aware of just how far he can go with things with Cesc, on a physical level.
Yes. He's aware on a physical level of what he can take--and also that Cesc is so responsive to him, and so eager to be responsive, so he doesn't really have to use the strength he could, sometimes. Like when he squeezes Cesc's wrist. It's a really subdued motion, but feels it and Cesc snaps awake and lets him help. That kind of thing, you know.
I'm not sure where I got that picture-- but I've had it for a while so maybe it was from you?
I actually searched "patient" in my emails lols, just because I knew if I posted it, I'd probably bring that up. I found this thread and then lol'd at the fact that you described Iker as being 1.) in flannel, 2.) some kind of band shirt, 3.) skateboarding shoes because, well. There you go.
No, dude, I mean--the fact that you remembered something I mentioned offhand in, like, chapter fucking 1. About a microwave. Your comments are always so fucking thoughtful and I feel like another me is reading this, like, the way you react to things is the way I want them to be and can't really articulate. I feel so honored that you leave comments like this, I really, really am. And no pressure, but whenever you get your fic done, I'll be first in line to read it. <3
Yes. I can't. Like. I want to marry this.
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