Oh *gulps* I love you and I love this fic and I love this universe so much omg <3 You've gotten me addicted to this <333 I'm literally checking my friends page like five times everyday just to see if this has been updated *__
( ... )
There's nothing extraordinary about the characters or the story itself
I live in constant fear of the day when people realize that nothing really ever happens in this fic and are like OKAY THIS IS THE 344534899TH UPDATE AND THEY'RE. LOUNGING AROUND THE ROOM. AGAIN. THAT'S REAL NICE.
I have never seen premature ejaculation written in a fic ever before.
I feel like with Cesc, it's like, he's messed around with guys and girls his own age before, and it was fine. But then Iker's good at sex and he's also stronger and older and dominant all this shit that Cesc is way into but hasn't crystallized as stuff he's into in his mind yet, and it's like. Cesc and his boner doesn't stand a chance, ahah.
Ricky's Kaká right?
Yes! I have such a weakness for Kaka. This is like the most condescending-sounding thing to say about anyone ever: but he is such a dear. I love him.
my mom just happened to walk by when I clicked on that picture. Fmlomggggg nuoooh. Originally it was just "Exhibit A" then I edited and put the "NSFW" thing in there because
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I didn't mean it like that, like it's boring or anything! :( I love this so much! And you know what?
I live in constant fear of the day when people realize that nothing really ever happens in this fic But nothing major happens in real life either (well, at least not in mine) so that's probably why I'm so madly in love with this :D It's nice to read about something that's actually believable and could happen in real life :D
And I of course did not notice that warning lmao xD but she was apparently cool with it, because she knows about me reading slash and stuff ~
Also YOUR MOM SOUNDS LIKE A BOSS. I will never forget the day I found out that my dad had some weird program installed that logged all websites visited ever. And the conversation that ensued. I think I actually straight-up I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT'd. When clearly, it had to be me. I was just like UH NO THERE MUST BE SOME MISTAKE HAHA. GAY PORN ABOUT ANIME PEOPLE. I DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU GOT THAT IDEA. I think it had, like, suicide and underageness and all this horrible stuff in it. Oh god, traumatic memories. Mmy dad's such a saint.
I feel really bad about lying, now. It's probably best to own that shit.
I used to be in a lot of band-related fandoms, and when I was like 14 (and my English was still very poor) I started reading slash (and sometimes even incest) fiction about My Chemical Romance (they were my favorite band back then). I left my browser open when I went to school and my mom read the story I had been reading before I went to school and we had ~the big talk when I got back from school that day. At first, she was like, aren't you a bit too young for that? but after a while she was like whatever floats your boat xD She did like it for one reason though; it helped me to practice my English; both when I read it and when I left comments xD
...Oh dear god, I used to write for the MCR fandom. Like, a lot. They were also my favorite band. Dude, I would tell you my username but I've pretty much disowned that account because everything on it is incredibly embarrassing and bad, but I definitely wrote. A lot of MCR fic. A lotttt.
And Na Na Na is killing me because I thought we were through, but clearly, we aren't.
for almost four years they completely took over my life when I was younger.
Man, when were you into the fandom? I am wondering if we were around at the same time.
Look at this, okay.
I do not even care that they are appealing to 90's punk post-apocalyptic grindhouse technocolor shit, I love it. When I saw this video, for a few moments, it felt like 2005 all over again.
I think we've must been, I was in the fandom from 2006 - 2009 :) I still kind of like them, but I just haven't properly listened to them for about a year now. But that might change when their new record comes out :)
OMG WATCHING THAT VIDEO WAS LIKE THE WORST DECISION I COULD EVER MAKE. Now I'll probably OD on MCR for the rest of the night until I go to bed ~ (which is like in an hour lol). I remember how hopelessly in love I were with all of the members <3 and how I cried when I wasn't allowed to go see them, and how I cried even more when I was allowed to see them and how I completely broke down when I met them <3 I was full-out sobbing into Frank's hair and just omfg can I erase my old self please?
Anyways, that was basically me when I watched that video too. I think I saw that band live, like, a disgusting amount of times. I went whenever I could get cheap tickets, then I'd loiter around in line for ungodly amounts of hours to get on the barrier. Tru luv.
Man, I met Frank once too. And then once my ex called me on our anniversary--we weren't able to be together, she was in another state--and she was at an MCR show. And then she called me and was all, hey, listen, and then Frank got on the phone. And wished me a happy anniversary, and we shot the shit for, like, ten minutes. She met him after the show and they just chilled for a while by the bus. He's such a cool dude, I love him a lot.
Anyways, it was basically the best present anyone ever has got me, and possibly ever will get me. I hnnng just thinking about it.
I was so young the last time they came here (I was 15) and my mom didn't let me travel to other parts of the country just to see them play more than once :( I live in Sweden, and their show in Stockholm was sold out, so my mom took me to the show in Helsinki (in Finland, our neighboring country). It was the best day of my life! Me and my mom lined for almost 13 hours, and ended up on the 2nd row <3 and after the show, me and my mom sneaked out and met Gerard, Frankie, Ray, Bob and Matt (since Mikey wasn't playing with the band then) and it was so awesome <3 that was in 2007 btw. and it's a bit odd but my mother is like the biggest MCR fan ever, she still listens to them and occasionally ask me when their next CD will be out xD
omg that must've been the best present ever <3
( ... )
I live in constant fear of the day when people realize that nothing really ever happens in this fic and are like OKAY THIS IS THE 344534899TH UPDATE AND THEY'RE. LOUNGING AROUND THE ROOM. AGAIN. THAT'S REAL NICE.
I have never seen premature ejaculation written in a fic ever before.
I feel like with Cesc, it's like, he's messed around with guys and girls his own age before, and it was fine. But then Iker's good at sex and he's also stronger and older and dominant all this shit that Cesc is way into but hasn't crystallized as stuff he's into in his mind yet, and it's like. Cesc and his boner doesn't stand a chance, ahah.
Ricky's Kaká right?
Yes! I have such a weakness for Kaka. This is like the most condescending-sounding thing to say about anyone ever: but he is such a dear. I love him.
my mom just happened to walk by when I clicked on that picture. Fmlomggggg nuoooh. Originally it was just "Exhibit A" then I edited and put the "NSFW" thing in there because ( ... )
I live in constant fear of the day when people realize that nothing really ever happens in this fic
But nothing major happens in real life either (well, at least not in mine) so that's probably why I'm so madly in love with this :D It's nice to read about something that's actually believable and could happen in real life :D
And I of course did not notice that warning lmao xD but she was apparently cool with it, because she knows about me reading slash and stuff ~
Also YOUR MOM SOUNDS LIKE A BOSS. I will never forget the day I found out that my dad had some weird program installed that logged all websites visited ever. And the conversation that ensued. I think I actually straight-up I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT'd. When clearly, it had to be me. I was just like UH NO THERE MUST BE SOME MISTAKE HAHA. GAY PORN ABOUT ANIME PEOPLE. I DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU GOT THAT IDEA. I think it had, like, suicide and underageness and all this horrible stuff in it. Oh god, traumatic memories. Mmy dad's such a saint.
I feel really bad about lying, now. It's probably best to own that shit.
And Na Na Na is killing me because I thought we were through, but clearly, we aren't.
I used to have a MCR-related user name on here too but I don't remember exactly what it was XD
btw, do you mind if I add you to my friends? :')
they completely took over my life when I was younger.
Man, when were you into the fandom? I am wondering if we were around at the same time.
Look at this, okay.
I do not even care that they are appealing to 90's punk post-apocalyptic grindhouse technocolor shit, I love it. When I saw this video, for a few moments, it felt like 2005 all over again.
Go forrr itttttt. :']
OMG WATCHING THAT VIDEO WAS LIKE THE WORST DECISION I COULD EVER MAKE. Now I'll probably OD on MCR for the rest of the night until I go to bed ~ (which is like in an hour lol). I remember how hopelessly in love I were with all of the members <3 and how I cried when I wasn't allowed to go see them, and how I cried even more when I was allowed to see them and how I completely broke down when I met them <3 I was full-out sobbing into Frank's hair and just omfg can I erase my old self please?
Anyways, that was basically me when I watched that video too. I think I saw that band live, like, a disgusting amount of times. I went whenever I could get cheap tickets, then I'd loiter around in line for ungodly amounts of hours to get on the barrier. Tru luv.
Man, I met Frank once too. And then once my ex called me on our anniversary--we weren't able to be together, she was in another state--and she was at an MCR show. And then she called me and was all, hey, listen, and then Frank got on the phone. And wished me a happy anniversary, and we shot the shit for, like, ten minutes. She met him after the show and they just chilled for a while by the bus. He's such a cool dude, I love him a lot.
Anyways, it was basically the best present anyone ever has got me, and possibly ever will get me. I hnnng just thinking about it.
omg that must've been the best present ever <3 ( ... )
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